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Rochel Gluck - New York --
An update to my Adler roots from Oradea.
I was part of a group that transcribed newly restored Oradea jewish
records for JewishGen. They are not yet posted by will be soon.
I was able to find my Grandfather's( Moritz Adler) birth record
and a marriage record for his brother Samuel Adler (born abt 1852
in Oradea). Samuel married Bertha Jakobi in 1879 in Oradea. If
anyone is related to Samuel or Bertha, please contact me.
In addition, if someone wants me to look a particular surname
in the some 13000 records I have, I will be glad to search for
Roger Adler
San Antonio, Texas
debbie cuby nee weinberg - london uk --
Debbie Rosenberg - Teaneck,New Jersey.U.S.A.
you wrote some years back about a Gershon Schwartz from Ermahaylfova
(excuse the sp). My grandmother Ester Mark nee Schwartz was from
there and her father Nachum Schwartz and mother rita schwartz
and 7 siblings all perished. My grandmother and her sister rivka
(pichu) katz survived. Was wondering whether Gershon had any brothers/cousins
that you know of?
Ms Ildiko Sztraka - USA-Los Angeles --
I am seeking any information Abraham Deutch
DOB: 1931 " Vizsnic" Oradea. His mother born in Vienna Malka
Kutz ? His Father Menashe Deutch died in Russia Camp They are
lived in Galati ( Galac )
Thank You !!
Mauro Gertner - săo paulo, sp, Brazil --
Someone is looking for relatives from Gertner
family, mainly Marton, my father, who was born in oradea in Romenia.
If you confirm that the person or the same family you are looking
for, please, write to mauro.gertner@gmail.com
thank you
Fischer Imre and Erzébet Herczeg's son, Ladislau - France
-- 4/2/2010
I am seeking information
Rochel Gluck - New York --
Hello! I am trying to help a friend find
information about his family, called FISCHER; His grandfather
‘s name was Imre (Emeric) Fischer, he was doctor in Oradea at
about 1900-1909. He got married with Margareta Elisabeta Herczeg
(née en 1888) and they had two children: Lilli and Ladislau,
my friend’s father, born in 1911. Imre Fischer had a second wife,
Erzebet Varnai (born Weisz) , they had a girl called Judit. Erzébet
Varnai still lived in 1939 in Oradea (Cosbuc Street, n°5), she
was already a widow, she died in Auschwitz. Do you know anything
about Fischer family? Do you know if there are any archives concerning
deportees from Oradea?
Thank you so much,
Koszonom szépen,
Nyaradi Mari
Paulabeth Weinberger - Atlanta, GA USA --
I saw you mentioned a Jakob Weinberger
in the history of the Oradea Jewish Community... my great-grandfather's
name was Jakob Weinberger. Do you have any more information on
him or his family so I can see if he's the correct person?
gammannby33@gmail.com - Lucern, Switzerland --
looking for my grandfather Josef Karpeles(z)
whose son Artur Karpeles is my father. He (my grandfather was
maried to Gisela Weisz and left family around 1923 ....heading
to ???
thank you in advance for any possible information
Ilana Roth - Kiriat Bialik, Israel- --
My family and I, made Aliya in1962 from
Nagyvarad. I am looking for my best friend from Nagyvarad, Judit
Berner, (her father's name was Dezso, and she has a sister Zsuzsi)
After our arrival to Israel, we continued writing to each other
for a certain period, but then the correspondence stopped, because
they left Nagyvarad too. If anybody knows the whereabouts of
this family, please let me know, I would very much like to renew
the contact:
My phone No. is: 972-4-8728134
e-mail: ilir@013net.net.
Cassie Hambleton - Woodbridge,VA --
Shalom, I am searching for any relatives
from Waldhutten Transylvania with the surnames Kascher, or Binder.
It is very important to find out my family history. My immediate
relatives immigrated in late 1800's and the last survivor of the
family died two years ago. They were all raised Catholic/Protestant.
I am most interested in my Jewish family lineage. Can you help?
Schwartz Itchak (Tamas) - Israel --
Hi i was born in Oradea 1946 in the Rimanocy
Utca now Josif Vulcan.Left to Israel in 1961 and still living
here.Lost connection with my friends and would love to reconnect
with them ,my closest friends where Silberman Imre and Catz Ivan(Moshe).I
have visited several times over the years in Oradea and visited
my old school to Gojdu.Not much was changed there over the years.Im
going to travel to Oradea for ancestors search not having the
sligthest idea about their name or whereabouts.If anyone would
like to contact me here is my email addy.
eti shitrit - Sderot, Israel --
hello, I wanna find out if after the Holocaust
there are any of Rubinshtayn famely that leaved in Oradea alive.
I know my parents leaved there before the war and their famely
members were killed at the Geto . If there are any Rubinshtain
that read this letter, Iwould like to contect you. My email is
jacov fauster - el-salvador --
hay,i was born in oradea 1949 left to israel
1962.living know in el salvador.since then i was three times in
oradea,recently this month.i didn,t know that you still have a
jewish community,and activities.i will like to receive,if possibly,from
time to time news.
jacov fauster
suzsi ( Susan) Gluck Feuerstein - New York Queens --
I am searching for IZAK KATHY whos father
name was Zoly he was my father's best friend.
AND HIS COUSIN JUDITH I know that Tomy is a dentist in Israel.
my e-mail is: mamba18@msn.com My skype name is SUSAN GLUCK FEUERSTEIN
my cell # 917 349-4978 Home 718 820-1999
Rochel Gluck - New York --
I am seeking information and relatives of
the following; Mirl Markowitz (previously Friedman), her first
husband Alexander Zisha Friedman, they lived in Oradea. Mirl perished
in the Holocaust, her first husband should be buried in or close
to Oradea. I would love to get his burial place too. Her second
husband Josef Markowitz. Their son Elyah Friedman, his wife Faige
nee Tesler, they lived in Marghita.
Mirl's parents Elya and Perl Leitman living probably in Szantjob.
I will be grateful for any tidbit of info or connection I will
Arie Ervin Goldstein - Herzelia ,Israel --
I was born in Oradea on 1930 and reside
in Israel. My Grandfather was Heman A Stern, daughter Gladis Reich
and son Imre. I would like to know if any of them are buried in
Oradea cemetery
Suzy Peltz - Milwaukee, WI America --
I am still looking for any link to my mother's
family from Oradea. She was Rozie Abraham. Parents: Esther & Bernard
You may contact me at:
Steven Vajda - Miami, Florida USA --
I am the grandson of Margarit Heller born
in Nagyvarad (Oradea) around 1880. She had 8 sisters. She was
Jewish but was educated at a Catholic day school. The family was
in the brandy/liquor distillery business. She married in Budapest
and emigrated to the USA in the early-1900s.
Is there any record of her family?
Eva - Jerusalem, Israel --
born in Oradea as Gelberg Eva ,live in Israel
since 1961 hoping to find some information about my 2 brothers
Gelberg Tibor born in 1938 and Gelbrg Pal born in1942 who were
taken with their mother Fridlender Margit to the concentration
camps and never return
please contact me to
László Váradi - Budapest, Hungary --
Dear Sirs! I need the e-mail adress for
Maria Zintz. I hope you know her. She wrote a book about the painters
in Oradea/ Nagyvárad 1850-1950. and another one about jews there.
I should like to show her my picture from a painters in Oradea/
Nagyvárad in 30-40's ages. Please help me! We can't recognize
the author. Best Regard, László, budabest@index.hu
Davidovics - Chicago, IL, USA --
Any information on survivors of the Davidovics
family please contact me.
Grandmother Rozsie (Rose) Davidovics is a concentration camp survivor.
Simonne - Australia --
Hi, my sister and I are searching for our
maternal Grandmother Yolan Stern who was in Budapest in 1943 and
gave her newborn baby to a nurse at the Jewish Hospital to be
saved. Does anyone know if the Yolan Stern referred to on the
list could be her or anything about the Stern family from Oradea?
We are desperate to find out our mother's identity and what happened
to her family.
Please email srtaub@iprimus.com.au
Kiselstein - Israel, Mevasseret Zion --
Hello, My name is Esther Kiselstein and
i liked to know if someone from the ora dea community can check
for me if grandparents are buried in the cemetery in oradea.
Their names are: Mordechai Malik, Esther Weig
Thank you for your time.
This is my email : kiselstein@gmail.com
Miriam Lampel(Marta Kupferstein) - Israel, Rishon Lezion
-- 8/2/2009
From Oradea, in Israel since 1961.If you
remember me please contact by email "mi888888@bezeqint.net"
Biblioteca Judeteana Gheorghe Sincai - Oradea Romania
-- 7/16/2009
“Gheorghe Sincai” Library, from Bihor Oradea,
will unfold in October 2009 a photography exhibition which would
commemorate the cultural heritage left into the memory of our
city by the important and prosperous Jewish community in the years
prior to WWII. This moment is highly symbolic: 1944-2009. It represents
the passing of 65 years since the closing of the Oradea ghetto
and the departure of its inhabitants to a destination with no
The exhibition aims to evoke through
photos and a multimedia application what our city has earned
and, subsequently lost, in culture, architecture and social
ambiance when nearly a third of its population disappeared in
the summer of 1944.
To complete this project, our library
wills to appeal to everyone who wants to join this initiative
by providing, exclusively for scanning, photo materials from
the pre-1944 era, which are related to any aspect of life of
the Jewish community from Oradea. Any materials are welcomed,
as long as the owner can provide a relatively accurate description
of its content.
We admit that this project might never
succeed in providing a complete overview of the Jewish community’s
pre-war lifestyle, but in order to honor the memory of those
who were killed, this project is extremely necessary to us as
a community.
If you find this project interesting
and want to help, by any means, please write (in Romanian, Hungarian,
English or French) to the following e-mail address: bibliobihor@yahoo.com
Thank you
Emeric(Imre) Silbermann - Miami, Florida USA --
I was born in 1946 in Oradea and emigrated
to Caracas, Venezuela in 1964, later in 1995 moved to Miami, USA,
my wife's name is Mery Roffe de Silberman we have 3 children Aaron,
Alan and Elizabeth if someone remembers me and wants to contact
here is my email address emeric@picassoemb.com.
Ed Berkowitz - Palo Alto, CA --
A great-Uncle (Markus berkowitz) resided
in Galszecs. A daughter born Jan, 1889 (mother = Sali ) was HANI
(Hannah?) and was a concentration camp survivor. Married ? name,
unknown. Emigrated to Israel, apparently. If any of these facts
suggest a connection, please let me know. email: cptphys@hotmail.com
Eti Shitrit - Sederot, Israel --
My family from Oradea, my father name
is Ludwig Rubinstein (year of born 1925). My grandfather name
is Ester Nemeth. I have many questions about them. For example:
Where they were during the 1940 to 1945 year
Thank you very much
Catalina Ficut - Oradea Romania --
Dear Sir/Madame,
My name is Catalina-Mihaela Ficut, and
I am a student at the University of Oradea (but present at Aarhus
University-Denmark with a scholarship). I am very interested
in the Jewish Community from Oradea and I was wondering if it
would be possible to be a volunteer at your Community, because
I would like to find more things about the Jewish People in
general. Here in Denmark I had to write a paper on the History
of Shanghai (China) and I made some researches about the Jews
who went there between 1938-1942, and even before that in high
school (Liceul Teoretic "Aurel Lazar" - Oradea) I had a course
in the "Holocaust History" and since then I have an interest
in the Jewish Culture. If you could help me, please contact
me at. cata_ficut@hotmail.com
In 2 weeks I will be back in Oradea so
I can easily go to where your community is.
Thank you, Sincerely,
George S. Goldberger - New York, NY, USA --
Hello out there. I was born in Oradea in
1947, went to Gojdu, and emigrated to the United States via Vienna
in 1962. My friends used to call me Goli, short for Goldberger
(Gyuri). We lived on Breiner Bela street, now Ady Endre street,
I believe. My parents were Manci and Laci. In the 1990s, after
the wall came down, I did quite a bit of business in Romania,
with an office in Bucharest. Now I have a company in the biotech
field, U.S.-based. If you remember me, I would love to hear from
you. George (Gyuri)
Lipe Pfeifer - New York --
My grandfather, Moris (Moshe) Goldenberg
was born in Romania about 1890 - 1900. He married Roza Mihaly
(Pfeifer) in 1920 in Hungary and his son Mordechai (jyorge)
was born in 1921. He was taken from Hungary by authorities in
1922 and was never heard of again. Any leads will be very helpful
and appreciated. lipe.
Ety Shitrit - Israel --
hello, I wanna find out if after the Holocaust
there are any of Rubinshtayn famely that leaved in Oradea alive.
I know my parents leaved there before the war and their famely
members were killed at the Geto . If there are any Rubinshtain
that read this letter, Iwould like to contect you. My email is
Joseph Vonblon - Vienna Austria --
Dear members of the jewish community
in Oradea, i am working on a recherche of jewish persons emigrating
to argentina in 1938. it would be very helpful to get informations
about the following person:
Bela Szekely:
geb. 1.7.1892 (1. 6. 1891??) in Beclean bzw. Bethlen Ungarn
(Transsylvanien) bis gest. 9.11.1955 (Chascomus, Argentinien)
Studierte Psychologie in Hamburg, Wien und Budapest. Praxis
in Budapest zwischen 1935 und 1937
Auschwitz – Flucht nach Argentinien 1938
1941 Gründung des ,,lnstituto Sigmund Freud" in Buenos Aires
durch Bela Szekely.
Startete seine Karriere in Oradea
Gründer (mit Ernö Marton) von Uj Kelet (New East) in Cluj
Editor von Keleti Ujsag (Eastern Journal) & 5 Oraj Ujsag (Five
o´clock Journal) in Cluj
Leading Figure of the Transylvanian Jewish Nationalist Association
& of the pro Palestine Association of Jews in Hungary (1926)
Founder of AVIVA Girls Movement – 1920 ……….
looking forward to hear from you, with
best regards,
joseph vonblon
herskowitz - cedarhurst,ny 11516 --
hello, my 6th grade daughter is doing
a research report on Grosswerdein where her grandmother whom
she was named after was born. Mindy Herskowitz. We are looking
for images of people living in the town from 1700s-1900's. Any
pictures would be a great help. Many thanks!
Hungarian Representative of the “Jewish
Telegraphic Agency”
Founder & Secretary to the federation
of minority journalists of Ardeal-Banat
Celia Lindenfeld Leykin - Staten Island, New York 10314
-- 6/5/2009
I am looking for any relatives of my father
John Lindenfeld who lived in Oradea His brother was Shandor, and
his sisters names were, Regina, Hannah, and Birtha. Thank you
Celia Lindenfeld Leykin my e-mail address. is www.celiastudio@aol.com
Agi Szender Vago - New York --
I got verry excited when i saw this webbsite,i
would like to reconect with some of you .If you remember me please
wirte to :vagoandagi@yahoo.com Hope to hear from you love,Agi
Yossi Knirsh - Rosh Haayin Israel --
I am looking for any kind of information
in regarding to my father family.
Born in : Berettyóújfalu
Family name: Kenyeres
Mother name: Adel Kenyeres nee Bleier
Born in 1877 to Jakab and Sarlota. She was a household and married
to Arthur. Prior to WWII she lived in Berettyoszentmarton, Hungary.
Adel perished in 1944 in Auschwitz
if you have any information regarding to my fasmily tree I will
appreciate it.
Yossi Knirsh
Mail: knirsh@nonstop.net.
Born as Marika Grunberger in NagyVaraed(Oradea)
in the year 1946 to Margaret and Tibor Grunberger. Grandparents
who resided in NagyVarad were David and Helen Grunberger and Martin
and Mariska Schonberger. In 1965 I left Oradea with my mother
and went to Israel. A year later my father went to New York city.
My mother and I left Israel in 1965 and settled in Toronto Canada,
sponsored by a great uncle Morris and Piri Isaak. Married in 1969
To Joseph Heller Frohlinger and had two daughters, Debbie in 1977
and Anita in 1979. They are still both single and live in Oakridges,
Ontario where they share a home. They are both teachers. My husband
is now a retired school principal and I am a retired medical lab
Marianna Mary Gligor neeLobl - Canada,Thornhill Ontario
-- 4/5/2009
Please email me at mariannagligor@rogers.com
I will be in Nagyvarad end of may for approx.6 weeks.
Peer Miriam aka Zuszman - Raanana Israel --
I was born in 1947 in Nagyvarad. I left
in 1966 with my parents and my brother Tomi to Israel. Please
contact me if somebody remember me or my family.
Marina - South Africa --
My name is Marina and I am originally from
South Africa. We as a family lived in Oradea in 2005/6 and the
huge, old, empty synagogues of Oradea always made me so sad when
we lived there. I realized that once there must have been a big
Jewish community in Oradea . Recently we went back to Oradea for
a visit and I read about the thousands of Jews of Oradea that
were murdered in the second world war- nearly 28 000? Is that
correct? Where in the city was the ghettos?? I really have a heart
full of sympathy for all those who died and their families who
survived miraculously. My grandmother was born in a concentration
camp of the English in the Boer war in 1901 in South Africa and
she lived , but 28 000 people of my race died in those concentration
camps- 26200 of them were woman and children. All the farms, houses
and cattle were destroyed and my great grandfather was sent to
a prison camp in India. Maybe that is why I have such a heart
for what the Oradea Jews went through and perhaps I have Jewish
roots myself? (My father looked just like a Jew.) If I ever visit
Oradea again I would like to meet some of you that are still part
of the Jewish Community there. I am a Christian and just want
to encourage you: You are special to God and He loves you a lot.
Robert Braun - Trumbull, CT --
My grandmother on motherly side was a Teitelbaum
from a family in Lugoj, Banat (now Romania). They were of Hungarian
culture. She married Heinrich Grunfeld, a "melamed" moved to Cluj,
had 7 children and died in Cluj around 1920-21. That's about all
I know and since I found that Ms. Debbie Rosenberg of Teaneck,
New Jersey on 10/20/2007 inquired about a Teitelbaum, I thought
I will write, on the outside chance that someone may be kind enough
to give me some more information.
Martha Szeszich - Datça (MuÄźla) Turkey --
Hello. my Father was born in Nagyvarad
in 1904. He was Roman Catholic. I would appreciate any response
which could help me find out more about my family. his name was
Lajos Szeszich. thank you and best regards.
Martha Szeszich
Alexander Czovek - Cromwell Connecticut, USA --
Czovek Sanyi born in 1943 Oradea. Mother
Deutsch Katalin. I came to US 1972 with my wife and son. Dear
Endre put me on the list my phone is 860-632-5722.
Robert Kolb - Woodmere, NY --
I was born in 1946 to Jeno & Hainol Kolb.
Their parents were Shea Kaszovitz and Samuel Kolb. If you have
any historical information about my parents or grand parents,
please email me at sababob@aol.com
I look forward to hearing from anyone with any information Thanks
-- 3/14/2009
Born: 1947 Oradea, Nagyvarad
Emigrated to Israel: 1961
Father: Jeno
Mother: Ester
Lived: Breiner Bella 3
Last time Visited Oradea: 1979
If someone rememberes me you are welcome to contact me.
tel: 972-3-9516360
Junger Daria - Hungary, Debrecen --
Hi! I am searching, for my Gradfather Junger
Bela's sister, Leah Berkovits, or here family. I hope there is
someone who heard about them. My grandfather lived in Maramaros,
at Romania. Then he leaved to Ukraine. If someone recognize the
story then please informe me.
Ewoud Modderman - Linschoten, the Netherlands --
I am reading the last letters of my step
grandfather Laszlo Szekely from Budapest, Hungary. These letters
are dated 7 and 12 of may 1945. It is a message to my grandmother
Madelon Szekely-Lulofs and their daughter Kotjil, telling them
that he had survived the killing of the Jews in Budapest by arrow
cross Nazi's and the troops of Eichmann. In his letters he describes
the killing of thousends of his fellow people in the streets of
Budapest. These letters have a great impact on me. Many of their
friends were taken and are missing. Is there anyone who know what
has happend to: Halasz, Hajdu, Besnyo, Erzsi (the wife of Aladar)
and Ferike?
My email: emodderm@xs4all.nl
ladislav Fuchs - DC --
Terri Stern Fuchs I would like to talk
to you.
thank you
Ladislav FUCHS
Cell: 847.922.2282
Fax: 301.896.0125
E-Mail: sandy.fuchs@gmail.com
Endre Melchner - Lincoln, CA --
Adel (Ady) Rosman - Fargo ND USA -- 1/31/2009
You e-m addess is wrong! all mail comes back.
Please contact me at:
Peter Schwartz - Claremont, CA USA --
To Endre Melchner: I lived on Tudor Vladimirescu
23 (aka Koros utca). Did you ever play soccer with us in front
of our building? You are 5 years older than me and maybe you remember
Micsik Pista or Bako Sanyi better? Please let me know.
Zsuzsi ( Susan) Gluck Feuerstein - Queens, New York --
I was born in Nagyvarad in 1947 and I left
in 1962 with my parents and my brother (Gyuri) who leaves in Berlin
Germany. My father's name was Gyula Gluck and my mom's name was
Ilona Wiesel Gluck both of my parents were holocaust survivers.
I am married to Nicholas (Mickey) Feuerstein also from Nagywardad
they left in 1964. If someone knows me or Mickey please contact
Mamba18@msn.com nfeuerstein@msn.com
Home: (1718) 820-1999
Cell (917) 349-4978
Would love to meet anyone from my childhood friends. Regards,
Zsuzsi Gluck Feuerstein
John ( Johnny) Mozes - Glen Cove, Long Island, New York
-- 2/20/2009
to:Jutka Farkas DiPietro
Hi Jutka,
I saw your name on the Oraea Jewish Community mail box and I remember
you with found memories. If you want email me and I will respond.
Regards, Johnny
Endre Melchner - Sacramento, California USA --
We are planing two reunions one in the US and one in Isarel, (last
one was in 2000) If you interested please e-mail to:
Time is short please spread the word.
John ( Johnny) Mozes - Glen
Cove, Long Island, New York --
I was born in !945, I left Oradea in 1966
with my parents Terka(Tereza) and Armin. We lived on strada Eminescu
Nr 6 and later on on Bucegi Nr 1. Some of the names I see here
seem so familiar but I do not recall details... I visited Oradea
in 1992 and 2005 and I find it very remarkable that the Jewish
community there is still alive and striving.
Regards to you all.
Deanna Jonas Tachna - Birmingham, Michigan, U.S.A. --
I'm looking for any one who has information
on Peppi Berckovits Ungar who lived in Nadvaraded before the war.
She was married to Joseph Ungar,but was widowed. She had a son
Berczi who died shortly after he was married. I believe his wife's
name was Ethel and their was a son, Boomi. Another son, Mor, who
lived in Budapest. A daughter Bertha, she lived Magyar Str. 308.
The youngest daughter, Lenke, lived with a childless aunt and
uncle in Marghita.
Also, interest in the last name of Jonas and Hoffman, Berkovits,
Terri Stern Fuchs - Edgewater, MD --
My father in law, Tibor Stern, b. 1925,
is a Holocaust survivor who was born in Oradea. I have his birth
certificate and would like to find his parents marriage record.
His parents were Edmund Stern and Juliana Gruber who married about
1922/1923. Can anyone provide information on how to obtain marriage
Melchner, Endre aka Andrei Shimshon, Sam - Sacramento,
CA USA -- 2/13/2009
Born: 1947 Oradea, Nagyvarad
Emigrated to Israel: 1960
Father: Lajos aka Ludwic, Yehuda
Mother: Lily aka Ilona (Lieberman)
Lived: Tudor Vladimiresco 34 aka Koros Uca
Last time Visited Oradea: 1969
I read the postings and a lot of the names are ringing up some
memories. If someone knows me you are welcome to contact me.
Please put "Oradea" in the Subject line
George h braun - dallas tx usa --
trying to find information re: stein, Julia
aka juliska born nagyvarad hungary 1890s
Alice Slezak - Boston, MA --
To Leah Berkovits:
If you are still searching for information regarding your relatives,
and the current name for Strada F. Engels, now it's named General
Bertholot. It so happens I have a relative living at #12. If I
can be of any help, please let me know.
My e-mail address: oradea52@msn.com
Sandy Fuchs - Washington DC USA --
Dear lya fridman
Can you please let me know which lawyer in Oradea you used to
get your house back.
Ladislav FUCHS
Cell: 847.922.2282
Fax: 301.896.0125
E-Mail: sandy.fuchs@gmail.com
Adel Rosman - Fargo ND-usa --
To Leslie Weinberg :
Szervusz Laci, YOU are "absolutely right" !
One of my aunts from father side of the family was considered
. All the family members taught following: She was in the underground
partisan group with my father and my ever dear mother 9 :O( rest
in peace, what a loving and devoted mother she was) what a great
loss :O( my aunt went out with a assigment (undercover) never
to return. Everybody in the family said : szegeny Ducika, megoltek
a szemet nacik=poor Ducika, was murdered by the garbage nazis.
Moment of silence, tears. My father said : I can't believe that
YOU are so cruel to give up so fast ! Our sister is NOT dead I
feel it in my bones and soul ! Searching between those who where
deported and came back from diferent dead camps, everybody knew
about our family memebers who where taken in many diferent camps.
NOWHERE aunt Duczi (Duci) In 1960 my father Rosman Bela (Adalbert)
took the help of International Red Cross and in 6 months found
his sister in the Soviet Union maried to a 1/2 jewish man, had
3 kids, Living in Ukraina. She is a mecanic inginer 1 of 3 who
graduated few years before the II-nd WW started. She was working
in her profession in the soviet union, was LOVED and respected,
she didn't have any negative thinks to say about her staying there.
She loved the soviet people they where even nicer to her when
they found out her life story. In 1961 my brother and my father
went to visit my aunt and in 1962 all of them came to visit us.
family ! PLEASE be agressive, don't be passive SEARCH, search,
search !
PS. I forget, my grandfathers name was Rosman Simon (fo jegyzo)
May be lots of you, born in Nagyvarad, before the deportation,
has his signature an their birth certificate. My grandfather was
murdered in Treblinka :O( my grandmother unfortunately didn't
survive either and a sister of my father. Total murdered family
members in concentration camps the Rosman familie and my grandmother
side, was 42 people :O(
Adel (Ady) Rosman - Fargo ND USA --
Szervusztok Nagyvaradiak !
I left Nagyvarad in 1969 I do have 2 children in their 30's.
My nickname was Maricza (Marica) lots of people called me Ady,
may be because of Adel ! Also, was a other Marica too, who was
named after me, because her father did like me a lot when I was
a beby :O) he adored me, his name was Dr. Kende Laci, I loved
him like a father. I don't know anything about them, anymore.
I had lots of friends in Nagyvarad. One of them was: Neuman Roby
have NO idea what happened to him, Weiss Kati, she emigrated to
Izrael lost touch, Mariana and Zoe Kahan (school collegs) Kupfer
Gaby, Fulop Agi, Weinreb Andris, Waldner Gyuri, Dromer Eva, Fuchs
Marta, Noti Tibi, and many more ! Nagyvaradi people, are special
group of people and IS A SHAME, NOT TO RECONNECT :O( I wish to
all of YOU, your families: shalom, lots of mazli, endless happiness
and prosperity and not the least HEALTH ! I give you my sister
in laws e-mail adress, I do not have a computer (was no reason
until now, IF I WOULD have lots of letters from many of YOU) I
was a very thin girl, being in balett iskola, I got lots of compliments
too :O) balett tanarno Cirjak Aranka, also playing handbal bei
VOINTA stadion, taking part also in :Turista-Alpinista "meg alakitasaban
1960's in Nagyvarad, including Dr. Fekete Lorant, me and few others
(one of us, unfortunately comited suicide (what a loss, was a
very dear person to all of us) ! Almost forget : I had 1 oncle
( first cousine of my father) Who did lived in Mihalj- falva,
and was the director of the "Szeszgyar" Moskovics had a ONLY daughter
Nusi (Ana) his wife Rozsi, neni, they emigrated to Izrael. Also
had relatives in Nagyvarad, Weinberger, Friedman, Rosenberg. Unfortunately
:O( I lost my dear MAMAM in okt. 2001 :O( I was fighting a DEEP
depresion for 5 1/2 years. I am lot better NOW ! IF somebody wants
contact with me, more than welcome, I was born in 1944 surving
the holocaust, because having both my parents in the "UNDERGROUND
REZISTANCE" ! Otherwise YOU could not read this ! I garantee it
Contact: ritaszentendrey@wah.midco.net
(I speack fluently 4 languages, 3 others NOT so good anymore,
was nobody arround to practice with, languages where my profession)
Ladislav Fuchs - Washington DC USA --
Does any one who have any information about
my father, Martin Nathan Fuchs? he had a bakelit (plastic) factory
in Oradea. He died in 1950 and was born in Sighet in 1902.
Ladislav FUCHS
Cell: 847.922.2282
Fax: 301.896.0125
E-Mail: sandy.fuchs@gmail.com
Paul N Kassy(Kaszovitz) - Boca Raton, FL --
I was looking thru thes messages and found
a few looking for survivors From NagyKaroly, hungary(also known
as Carei, romania. I was born in Carei) and now live in Boca Raton,Fl.
I got here Via Auschwitz, monowitz, Buchenwald, Paris, france(1945-1947)
Albany, NY (1954-58), Anyway will be glad to hear from anybody
from Naghkaroly.
Melchner, Endre aka Andrei Shimshon, Sam - Sacramento,
CA USA -- 1/12/2009
Born: 1947 Oradea, Nagyvarad
Emigrated to Israel: 1960
Father: Lajos aka Ludwic, Yehuda
Mother: Lily aka Ilona
Lived: Tudor Vladimiresco 34 aka Koros Uca
Last time Visited Oradea: 1969
I read the postings and a lot of the names are ringing up some
memories. If someone knows me you are welcome to contact me.
Komlosi - New York, NY --
I was born in Oradea in 1951 and lived
there in str, Col.Buzoianu 10 till 1965 when I left for Belgium
together with my brother Nicolae and my mother Lilly Komlosi born
My auntie Ola Grosz, born in 1920 in Beznea asked me to enquire
about a good friend of her Renee Ganz born in 1925 she thinks,
who was married to a certain Weiss. Does anyone know her or about
her please let us know. Also should any of my childhood friends
remember me , I would love to hear from them. I am currently in
Tel Aviv and I remember that many of my brother's friends left
in the 1960s for Israel, Would love to meet anyone from my childhood
lya fridman - Israel --
Message to Dalia Yolanda Maron
My family lived in this street for many generations and I myself
lived ther till 1962. The name of the steet is Colonel Buzoianu
. I resently sold a house on this street so I am positive about
the name.
Shlomo Schwartz - Monsey, N.Y, U.S.A --
To Olga Rozner,
In reply to your post: [I am looking for any Holocaust survivors
form Carei-Nagykaroly. I live now in New York and would be so
happy to find anyone after all these years. I was in Aushwitz
during the war. I am looking forward to your response.]
My grandfather R' Hillel A. Schwartz was also a Holocaust survivor
from Carei. He was deported by the accursed Nazi's to Aushwitz
but miraculously survived the war. (In fact there were only two
survivors from his barrack, my grandfather and Elie Wiesel). Sadly
he passed away on Aug. 12, 1994.
I am interested in knowing if knew him and his siblings or his
father Rabbi Yaakov Yechiel Schwartz (B. 1884 D. 1944) who was
Rabbinical Judge of the Orthodox Community of Carei from 1908
to 1944.
As this site is dedicated to preserve the memory of the Jewish
Community of Oradea, please reply to me at my email address: avi@gofour.com
PETER FISCHER -+36309212522,corvinp@freemail.hu
-- 10/7/2008
Hi Andres Carciente,I have a good friend
in Budapest,from Nagyvárad, RAPAPORT LACI, phone number+36703807875,
try to contact him, tell him, I gave you his number. Take care,
Peter Fischer
I hope i was a help for you, take care Peter Fischer
Shalom Suzana Nicolau, if we are talking about the same person,
he died aprox. in 65-66 and is buried in the Rulikowski cemetery
in Nagyvárad. His second wife was Ibi, they have a daughter Lia
shes is now 61, she has a 30 years old son.
I hope,I was for a help,take care Fischer Péter
Petra Andris - Israel, Tel Aviv --
Hi Slezak Elvira neni. I'm in Tel Aviv
doing fine.
My Mom (joli), half year ago went into a senior citizen residency.
For more inf. please contact Me:
Linda Weiss Spiegler - washington dc usa --
Would anyone know of the whereabouts and
how I might reach Joseph Schmuck in Israel ?
He was from Szekelyhid ,Hungary, survived Auschwitz, and emigrated
to Israel in the 1950's. He'd be about 80 years old now.
Thank you,
Linda Weiss Spiegler
(202) 234-5883
Linda Weiss Spiegler - washington
dc usa -- 9/30/2008
My father, Joseph Weiss, was the brother
of Roszi Weiss. He was born in Szekelyhid in 1902 and left in
about 1920.
I am searching for information about Roszi,his other four sisters,a
brother, their parents Martin and Ester, and nieces and nephews.
Kindly contact me.
Thank you,
Linda Weiss Spiegler
(202) 234-5883
Tibi Grosz - Herzlia, Israel --
To Dalia-Yolanda Maron, Australia
The Romanian name of the street is Colonel Buzoianu. I lived on
this street before me and my family moved to Israel in 1960.
Additional information I have provided on Sep 18th, 2006, if you
are interested.
New E-mail: tibigrosz@gmail.com
Elvira Slezak - Boston, MA --
Please, does anyone have any information
of the well being and whereabouts of Adriane "Joli" Petra? Last
known address was in Tel Aviv. We were childhood friends in Oradea.
She and her family, husband and children (Marta and Andris) immigrated
from Oradea in early 1960's. I last had contact with her one year
ago, at that time she went in for an operation and havent's heard
from her since. I would be greatful for any information anyone
might have .
Thank you.
Suzana Nicolau - Israel --
I would like to have some information about
my grandfother Frank Eugen who lived in Alesd and was deportated
to Auschwitz in 1944. I am looking for every piece of information
about my late mother who was born in Alesd on May 19, 1912 as
Frank (Franck) Elizabeta. I would like to know her parents' names
and where is buried her mother (my grandmother)
I will be gratefull for any information!
Thank a lot,
My e-mail is: suzi_k@netvision.net.il
Andres CARCIENTE - Budapest,HUNGARY --
I had relatives who lived in Nagyvarad:
Family names:
FOHN They lived in Nagyvarad at least from 1877 till 1945!
Also I had relatives in Erselind,Biharfelegyhaza and in Micske.
Andres Carciente
Ladislav Fuchs - Washington DC usa --
Does any one who have any information about
my father, Martin Nathan Fuchs? he had a bakelit (plastic) factory
in Oradea. He died in 1950 and was born in Sighet in 1902.
Ladislav FUCHS
Cell: 847.922.2282
Fax: 301.896.0125
E-Mail: sandy.fuchs@gmail.com
Veisz Vera - Haifa, Israel --
Dear Olga Rozner,
I am the daughter of Reinhart Sarika(Pollak) .Are you the sister
of Ibi and Lily form Nagyvarad? Vera Weisz(Pollak) Israel Haifa
Olga Rozner - New York NY --
I am looking for any Holocaust survivors
form Carei-Nagykaroly.I live now in New York and would be so happy
to find anyone after all these years. I was in Aushwitz during
the war. I am looking forward to your response.
With kind regards,
Olga Grun (Rozner)
Leah Berkovits - Brooklyn, NY --
It looks like I'm not the only one looking
for addresses in Oradea - I see a number of other recent posts
on this subject. Can anyone advise how we can match up old Hungarian
street names with the Romanian post WWII names of today? This
would be of great help in finding our ancestors' homes!
Leslie Weinberg - Great Neck, NY, US --
I would like to urge everyone here who
is searching for lost family members to fill out forms with the
International Tracing Service. It was through them that I located
my family. For 63 years, it was assumed they had perished, family
who visited Oradea after the War were told they did not survive,
and they are even listed as victims who perished at Stutthof ,
on the Yad Vashem database.
Do not make any assumptions, or rely on what other family has
believed all these years. In my case, it was not true that they
died, and my grandmother and mother died without ever knowing
that their sister, and aunt, and cousins were alive all those
Alida Steinfeld - Brighton, East Sussex, G Britain --
I am researching information on my late
husband's father. He is possibly a Dr Willy Wolfgang Weinberg.
It is also possible that he worked at the London Jewish Hospital,
Bethnal Green, where he met my husband's mother, prior to going
to Spain in 1936.
Please reply to:
Izzy Fraeme - Vancouver Canada --
Does anyone know details of Endre (Ocsi)
Jungreisz or his family.
Izzy Fraeme
Izzy Fraeme (formerly Fraemovitz) - Vancouver Canada
-- 8/28/2008
I just discovered this forum and find it
fascinating. I am originally from Oradea (1918) and have only
begun to read all these letters and look at this wonderful resource
that Norbert has created.
My family were orthodox Jews in Oradea and I am seeking all kinds
of information about my families past.
I am looking forward to corresponding with all of you and perhaps
trading information with you.
Izzy Fraeme
Hedy Tessler(nee Czuckermann) - West Bloomfield, Mi --
I'm planning a visit to Oradea in fall
of 2009. I'd like to visit the home where my Mothe(OBM)grew up.
Her fathers name was David Weisz mrried to Irma(OBM), how do I
find their pre-WWII address?
Nachum Katz - Temporarily NYC, otherwise Israel --
I was still unable to reconnect with Mrs.
Trez Mozes, unfortunately. She is the author of several books
about Orade, two of which I read. We met in Israel but I lost
track of her. I am very happy to see that Leslie found her family,
which is absolutely great news! Good luck! I see that another
Landsman helps out by taking over some pictures, and for this
site I am thankful for making all this poosible. You can contact
me at nahumk@jafi.org, thank you,
Leah Berkovits - NY NY --
I am researching my father's family who
came from Oradea. His mother, three sisters, and a brother were
deported to Auschwitz and never returned. I am trying to find
out where I can get records of their birth dates, marriage date,
addresses, date of deportation. I have one address which I believe
is the last known address of the family (Bernard [Bernat] Berkovits
[my granfather] and his wife Bella [nee Koos] and family) F. Engels
Strada No. 7. However, this name is the post-was Communist name
of the street. Where can I get a map that shows original street
names? Thanks to all of you out there who can help!
Dalia-Yolanda Maron - Australia/Hungary --
I am trying to find some information on
old street names in Hungarian and what they are now in Romanian.
I am looking for the new name and location of Blaha Lujza u. it
was the birth place of my father and home of his family. They
lived there until the German Army came and rounded up the jews
in the second world war. The family name was Schwarcz but my paternal
grandfather changed his name when he married to Maron which was
my Transilvanian grandmother's family name. If anyone has any
information, please post a response. Thank you.
Leslie Weinberg - Great Neck, NY, US --
I am so excited right now, I can hardly
write. I sent to the Consiliul Local Al Municipiului Oradea just
to confirm my grandmother’s sister's married name. I had only
recently received documentation that she had returned from deportation,
having been told my whole life that the family in Oradea had perished.
Turns out Elvira is still alive, and living in Oradea. Her name
is Elvira Nagy, and she lives on Sovata Street. Does anyone know
her? She is 85 years old. I do not speak Hungarian or Romanian
(she apparently speaks both), so I called my daughter-in-law's
mother, who was born in Oradea in 1946, but left with her family
a few years after her birth. She speaks a "passable" Hungarian.
She tried calling the phone number I was given in the letter,
but there was no answer.
The letter I received today said that they actually called Elvira,
and that she was moved by the fact that we were looking for her.
I do NOT understand, how after all these years, and my family
telling me they searched, including going to Oradea, after the
War, that this could have happened.
Can anyone help me here? Can anyone call Elvira and tell her about
her family? Is there someone I can call who speaks English as
well, and could interpret for me? I really need help.
Joe Tinkelman - Silver Spring, Maryland, USA --
I will be in Oradea with my wife and daughter
from Aug. 20 to Aug. 23. I will be getting to know the city and
attempting to find some trace of my ancestors from the Neuman
(Neumann) and Weiss (Weisz) family, most of whom perished in 1944.
I speak very little Hungarian and no Romanian. If anyone can help
me with directions or advice (including a suggestion about lodging),
please contact me at joeytink@yahoo.com.
Jessica Klischuk - Saskatchewan, Canada --
I read this book and it so greatly touched
me. I cried as i read it and it brings tears to my eyes when i
just think about the powerful words written. I have never read
a book that has made me feel so deeply abou the holocaust as this
one did....i would love to contact Terez Mosez to write her and
let her know how greatly her words have touched my life...and
how much it has made me feel if anyone knows how would you let
me know? thank you
Tori Green - Victoria, Texas --
I just recently found out my grandfather
who was hungarian, that his real name before he came to the states
was Armin Markovits, I knew him as Alex March. He died when I
was a baby, so I never met him. On a recent trip to visit some
family I was told that he was Jewish, but I never heard this before
growing up. My parents have passed on and I am trying to get info
on my family. All I know is that he came from Hungary, he had
a family there, the wife didn't want to come, her last name was
Weiss, so he came to the U.S then met and married my grandmother,
clara. If anybody knows anything about the name Armin Markovits,
it's origin or anything would you please pass it along to me.
Thank you
Jim Helmink - cincinnati, ohio --
Anyone who knew Zoltan Bandi who just recently
died at his home....was neighbor...trying to contact nearest relative?
Nachum Katz - Temporarily New York City --
I am looking to reconnect with Terz Mozes,
and lost her contact information and E-mail address, if someone
would be kind enough to give it to me, thank you.
Nadya - Israel -- 7/26/2008
I would like to contact somebody from this
jewish comunity because I am studying in Oradea and I would like
to contact to this community. Thanks for understanding.
Nava (charash) Delman - Herzelya Israel --
Dear sir/madam
I'm the daugter of the late Naftali Charash who was brought up
in oradea until lthe age of 16 (when he made an aliya to israel).
Unfortunately his parents, 5 brothers and sisters and all his
family were killed by the nazies. His mother's name was Gissia
and father's Moshe Yizchak . I would like to know if there are
lists where I can find any traces about my family, or if anyone
has any information about them? I'm planning a trip to Romania
in October and also to Oradea and I'll be glad to visit a place
with those lists and information.
Eva Nagan - Calgary, Canada --
This is a message for Jaqueline Claude
Romney from Vancouver: I was pleasantly surprised to see somebody
looking for Dr Nyiszli's book: "Doktor voltam Auschwitzba". I
may have to book tucked away in one of many boxes in the basement,
if you are still interested, would not mind looking for it.
My E-mail is : eva.nagan@shaw.ca. By the way, I remember his
daughter well, Nyiszli Manci, she used to walk by our house a
few times daily.
Joe Tinkelman - Silver Spring, MD, USA --
My wife, daughter and I will be visiting
Oradea during the week of Aug. 17. My daughter did a school project
on the Holocaust this year, and it caused me to start to look
for my ancestors. I've learned just this week that both my grandfather
Frank (Ferencz) Weiss (possibly Weisz) and his wife Vera (possibly
Veron?) nee Neumann both came from Oradea (Nagyvarad), but left
for the U.S. in 1903. My Mom visited there for the summer of 1923.
I've done research at the Yad Vashem Web site (I have saved a
list of numerous Neuman/Weiss victims) and would like to find
an Oradea resident named Clara Schwartz who submitted a record
to Yad Vashem about a victim (her mother-in-law) named Berta Schwartz
(nee Neumann). While in Oradea, I would like to find someone who
can help me research birth records for my grandparents and perhaps
my great-grandparents. I have some ideas, but can anyone offer
any advice to me? I realize that I am starting this very late
and very close to the date of my trip. Thanks for posting this
message. -- Joe Tinkelman (joeytink@yahoo.com
sandy fuchs - washington dc --
Does any one who have any information about
my father, Martin Nathan Fuchs? he had a bakelit (plastic) factory
in Oradea. He died in 1950 and was born in Sighet in 1902.
Ladislav FUCHS
Cell: 847.922.2282
Fax: 301.896.0125
E-Mail: sandy.fuchs@gmail.com
Marine - Carthage --
Hi everyone. My name is Ray, from Utica,
NY. I will be visiting Poland soon, and I am hoping to meet my
Polish relatives. I also hope some people from here may help me
in contacting my relatives before my visit. Thanks and looking
forward to meeting some great people on here!
Leslie Weinberg - Great Neck, NY, US --
I really need to talk to someone at the
Oradea Jewish Community about my family. I have learned that my
grandmother's sister, Rozsi, and her daughter Elvira, returned
after deportation. Their last name is Szegal. I am very anxious
to trace my family and find out what happened to them. Can someone
please respond to me?
Leslie Weinberg
Leslie Weinberg - Great Neck, NY, US --
I am searching for any persons who might
have known my family from Oradea (Nagyvarad). My grandmother's
sister, Roszi, was married and had two children, Paula and Elvira.
Both girls would have been born some time in the mid 1920s. While
I do not know Roszi's married name, I believe it was "Szegal",
based on records I have found on Yad Vashem from Stuthoff Camp.
There is a record for an Elvira Szegal, daughter of Roszi Reiss,
and a Rozsi Szegal, maiden name Reiss.
The International Tracing Service has sent me a record of an Elvira
Szegal, who was a returnee from deportation. While I am waiting
for further records, I can not determine whether this is, indeed,
our family member. I have sent for a marriage certificate, but
am not sure I will be able to get it.
Did anyone come across Roszi, her daughters Paula and Elvira at
Stuthoff, or in Oradea, after the War? It was always assumed by
our family that everyone had perished. A cousin of my mother had
gone there after the War to search, and was told the whole family
had perished. However, if the ITC record is correct, and if this
Elvira is my grandmother's niece, she may still be alive.
Can anyone help? Thanks, Leslie
Susan Geroe - San Diego, CA --
For those who knew him, my beloved father,
Armand Simpson (Simonovits Armin), a native of Oradea, passed
away at age 94 in Los Angeles, CA
Izsak Tibi - ISRAEL --
I am looking for Spingold Agi,she left
Oradea in 1968 to USA (CINICNNATI I think). my email adress:
Roy Grant - Budfapest Hungary --
I have noted that on this website there
are several people interested in the Oradea or Nagyvarad Guttmans.
My family line includes Lazar Guttmann married to Esther Jakab
and their son Albert born 1867 (married Amalia Stern) and grandson
Bela born 1870 (married Gizella Czettel.)
If any of these fit into anyone's research, get in touch.
Menahem ( Pali ) Yitzhaki ( Izsak) - Kohav-Yair , Israel
-- 6/16/2008
I was born in Oradea 01.07.1949.
In the late fifties I studied at High school nr. 1 ( ' Gojdu )
I am looking for a girl my age: Dita Schwartz , who probably in
1960 left to Canada .
my e mail address : amyhome2@bezeqint.net
Margit Telegdi Smith - Toronto, Canada --
Hi. I am looking for information about
my grandfather, Melchner, Elek, from Mezotelegd. He was the local
storeowner and an elder in the synagogue. I believe he was buried
in the Jewish cemetary of Mezotelegd. His wife was Teresz, son
Sandor (Alex), born 1919 and daughter Lilly. Where would the Jewish
cemetery be? I am looking for proof of Jewishness. many family
records were destroyed. Thank you.
416 823-4651
Zsolt Wittek - Hungary --
I am very interested in hearing from people
who collected Armand Schönberger's pictures in the 1920'-30' years,
because I wrote a book about this painter, and we have to find
other pictures from this master for the new book, about Schönberger.
Thanks a lot: Zsolt Wittek
Orlikon Publishing
Celia Lindenfeld Leykin - Staten Island, New York --
I am searching for relatives of Julia and
David Lindenfeld who may have survived the war. Their children
were Regina Lindenfeld, Bertha Lindenfeld, Hanna Lindenfeld ,
Alex Lindenfeld and John Lindenfeld my father who went to the
U. S. before the war. I know that a nephew Izrael Naudric who
was writing to my father after the war has survived. I may be
reached at
Ladislav Sandy Fuchs - DC USA --
Does any one who have any information about
my father, Martin Nathan Fuchs? Hhe had a bakelit (plastic) factory
in Oradea. He died in 1950 and was born in Sighet in 1902.
Ladislav FUCHS
Cell: 847.922.2282
Fax: 301.896.0125
E-Mail: sandy.fuchs@gmail.com
Peter Schwartz - Claremont , California, USA --
In response to Eric Hitter: as horrendous
a crime as the Holocaust was (I lost my grandparents and my 3
year old cousin, all from Nagyvarad), we shouldn't forget the
two nations in Europe that did everything they could to save their
Jewish populations. The Danish and the Bulgarian people and their
respective governments deserve recognition in this area, much
more so than the uncaring, somewhat antisemitic government of
America's Roosevelt.
Eric Hitter - Antwerp Belgium --
Having survived the deportation from nagyvarad
but my dear parents did not. I am still trying to understand how
the world could let these beasts of ss soldiers do what they did...
there was not a single country in Europe who would help the Jews.
On the contrary they helped the Germans. Thank God there is a
Jewish state now Israel. I want to wish on the 60th anniversary
of the establishment of the state many years of happiness and
peace. e.hitter
Vivian Kahn - Oakland, CA --
Looking for relatives of Aharon Grosz,
b. 1918 Orasu Nou (Avas Ujvaros), son of Dov and Chana. He was
living in Oradea before the war. Aharon perished at Auschwitz
in 1944 according to testimony by Natan Grosz. My great-grandmother
Shprintze Grosz was from Orasu Nou and I believe that we are related
to this family.
Please contact me at vkahn@kmort.com if this information is familiar.
Nachum Katz - Currently New York, Shaliach from Israel
-- 5/3/2008
The following story is one of few who bring
light into one more family aspect of the Oradea Jews.
Thank you, Nachum Katz
The Suitcase
Sitting on a shelf in a shop in Oradea,
Transylvania, the suitcase was waiting to begin its journey. In
the summer of 1943 a nice, plump man lowered it from the shelf,
lifted it, weighed it in his hands for fear it would be too heavy.
He then checked the corners ? were they sturdy enough? The locks
? would they break open? The handle, lest it rip? He studied the
depth of it, wondering if it was deep enough to contain everything.
From all these tests the suitcase could deduct it was about to
handle a great, important mission.
Arriving at the apartment, the man’s
hands caressed the suitcase. Through a stream of incomprehensible
words which he whispered to himself, one word came up over and
over, clear and crisp: Israel… Israel….
The following day he diligently packed
clothes, food and sweets. He then boarded a carriage and headed
the train station. He loaded the suitcase onto one of the train
cars, heaving it onto the upper baggage compartment, underneath
which a curly-haired, green eyed girl sat.
Again his hands caressed the suitcase,
then wandered off to the head of curls, wiped the tears off the
green eyes, cupped the pale face. “God save you, child! Go! Perhaps
it is towards freedom you are headed…”
Over a number of months, the girl and
the suitcase moved together from room to room, from apartment
to apartment. The suitcase was always packed and ready to go,
to escape. The sweets ran out but were never replaced by new ones.
The winter passed, spring arrived. Army boots stomped, bombs exploded,
but the suitcase and its young owner migrated on within the hustle
and bustle of Budapest.
Summer of 1944 came, and one day the
young owner did not return home. Rough hands rummaged through
the clothes in the suitcase, littering the floor with garments,
finally disposing of the suitcase itself. Eventually, the young
owner’s landlord took it in and hurriedly scribbled on the inside
in big rough letters her own name: Bogardi Joszefne. These letters
are there to this day, marring the lining of the suitcase like
an ugly wound.
Winter came again. More bombs fell; cannons
were heard, mixed with bursts of gunfire. And yet no one returned
to claim the suitcase. It was near the end of January 1945 when
the owner of the suitcase finally appeared, skinny and sad, and
embraced the simple suitcase as if it were a lost treasure finally
More wandering followed, and the suitcase’s
owner never parted from it again. At times it contained only several
garments, at times many books, or children’s clothing. Slowly,
the suitcase became worn with use. Many years have gone by. Then
one day, the owner patched the corners, greased the locks and
even sewed it a new brown plaid cover. The suitcase could sense
there was another great adventure ahead, perhaps the biggest of
all. Indeed, within a short while it was filled with brand new
items – bed sheets, curtains, an iron and more clothes. They were
on their way, from car to train, then car again, and then an airplane!
Never before did they have a voyage like this.
At the end of the journey it was passed
along once again, from car to car, from city to city. All the
while the long lost words played out, this time loud and sure:
Israel… Israel… The voyage was done. The suitcase has completed
its mission.
Epilogue: The suitcase, which at first
served as a closet in its new land and home, wedged under a metal
bed, near some simple chairs and a table, could now finally rest,
perhaps retire. The owner, by then white haired but still bearing
curls, has fixed a special shelf for the suitcase to rest upon.
And the owner? For the rest of her life tears ran down her face
whenever she would think about the kind man who first packed the
suitcase, her father, a man she never saw again.
More than thirty years later, a second
epilogue: a couple years ago, the owners' son, having by now his
own white hairs, called the suitcase to duty again. The original
white-haired owner was already long gone. It was now time to forward
the message to a generation that knew almost nothing about those
horrifying years. While taking Israeli students to the March of
the living, in 2005, I told them this story. When we returned,
I told it again at the Yom Ha Shoah (Holocaust) memorial observance,
back at the Hadassah Neurim youth village where I served as director,
with the suitcase by my side. The youngsters listened with awe
and respect, touched the suitcase again and again, then hugged
and gently comforted me. The suitcase once again served as an
invaluable partner, helping in the Mitzva of "You shall tell the
story to your sons". Who could have ever dreamed of this?
Final word (or maybe not?): The story
was written in Hungarian by my mother, Dr. Barbara Katz z"l, published
in the Israeli Hungarian speaking newspaper "Uj Kelet" (The New
Dawn), then translated to Hebrew by me, and now into English by
my daughter Rotem, for the sake of the future generations all
over the world, and the sake of our family in America.
Thank you, Mom, for the story. Thank you, grandpa for your vision,
one that saved my mother and thus enabled me to stand here and
keep telling the story.
Written by Barbara Katz around 1980, translated to Hebrew and
made the updating additions by Nachum Katz, in 2000, then translated
to English by Rotem Katz on April, 2008, sixty five years after
the original events depicted here started. In loving memory of
my grandfather, Marton Katz z"l,, who was killed by the Nazis,
and my sweet curly-haired Mother, Dr. Barbara Katz z"l, his beloved
Leslie Weinberg - Great Neck, NY, US --
Can anyone give me information on how to
get hold of a marriage certificate in Romania for the period of
time around the mid 1920s? I know that records less than 100 years
old are hard to get. My grandmother's sister married during that
time, and we do not know the married name. She was Rosa (Rojie)
Reiss (Reisz), daughter of Abraham (Adolph) Reisz, and Hani November.
Rojie had two children, Paula and Elvira, and in going through
a lot of records online, I have seen the name Rosa Szegal, maiden
name Rosa Reiss, and an Elvira Szegal, daughter of Rosa Reiss,
inmates at Stuthoff, and listed as perished. The ITC has just
sent me the image of a preliminary investigation, showing an Elvira
Siegal, born 1926, daughter of Rosa Reiss, born in Marghita, who
is on a list of the deportees who returned. If this IS my family,
it means my grandmother's niece may have survived, and no one
ever knew. Without confirming Rosa's married names, I can't pursue
this further.
Also, I have ben told that my great-grandmother is buried in Rulikovski
Cemetery, only under the name "wife of Abraham Reiss". How would
I contact the cemetery to try to get a death or burial record?
Thanks in advance, Leslie Weinberg
Dedi Hatam - Israel --
Hello, My ancestors used to live in Nagyvarad
in the 19th century. Do you have archival information, like microfilms
etc. , in order to research the family history?
Sincerely yours,
Dedi Hatam
Fischer Peter - 1134 Budapest ,Kassak Lajos U.76/VII/68
Hungary -- 4/20/2008
The Hungarian Annual meeting of people
from Nagyvarad will be held on May 3 in Siofok Aranypart Hotel.
It?s a great party every year, everybody is welcome. If you are
interested, please contact Rapaport Laci 003670 3807875, please
refer to me, thanks.
If you need any information concerning Nagyvarad (Oradea), don?t
hesitate to contact me. cellphone +36309212522, email corvinp@freemail.hu
Nachum Katz - Forest hills, New York, USA --
Shalom! I used to check here for family
and am always interested in the Oradea ties and stories. Since
today I am temporarily relocated in New York, for a couple years,
and my E-mail changed, I want people to be able to contact me,
so my E-mail today is nahumk@jafi.org, I am an emissary of the
Jewish Agency for Israel in North America, and am always wiling
to give my time and energy for anyone in the forum, help and be
My Family was also taken on May 14 from the getto, most of them
never to come back. Some 106 members perished inthe Holocaust,
may their memory be blessed. Many of the names and data I keep
with me, handed over from my mother, Dr. Barbara Katz z"l, a great
Mom and a brilliant pediatrician who spent a lot of energy and
time researching their story and fate.
My grandmother Elza (Klein) Katz was killed in Aischwitz, three
days later, while my grandfather Marton Katz z"l and his brother
Jozsef survved some nine months, and died in the death marches,
exhausted. I found their data in the Hungarian pavillion in Auschwitz,
and later, after almost six years of waiting and continuous letters,
got their death certificates through the International Tracing
Center that was open with the fall of the Berlin wall, while they
manually looked up data from German archives. The accuracy of
the data was amazing, and so was the data that I was able to receive
from some of the camps, for my living uncle Gyuri David Katz from
Ashdod (Katz Joszef z"l's son), in Israel, whose name I found
in the transports to the forced labor camps where he worked as
an Iron worker on the V2 missiles. I am researching for many years
now and am about to issue my family book, first in Hebrew, then
hopefully and for the sake of my American section of the family
in English as well. Any help, information or tips (also for the
data and as well as for the possible issuing of the book) are
more than welcome. Thank you all and have a sweet Pesach, one
of liberty and peace, and with Israel's 60th anniversary, mazel
tov and all the best.
Nachum Katz
Lia Benshoshan Gelberg - new york N.Y. --
This message is for Paul Hamburg. My father
Gelberg Deszo (Desideriu ) was born in Oradea in 1921 and died
in 1975 in Israel Z"L I was wondering if there is any connection
between us. I know he had 4 sisters and 2 brothers ( Paul, Boske
, Mitzy, Bella). Unfortunately I only knew 2 of them the rest
died in the camps together with my grand parents . So I was wondering
if your Mom and my grandfather were siblings. I know very little
about my father?s family. He never talked about them. If you have
any information please contact me.
Thank you Lia
Livdolu - Adamsville --
Hello friends, I wish I had come here earlier
as the forums are well organized and I look forward to gaining
further knowledge and sharing my experiences. Ive been reading
the posts and learning quite a bit from the members.
Lia Benshoshan Gelberg - new
york N.Y. -- 4/4/2008
I was reading this posts and I see a lot
of names that sound familiar from my town Oradea. I was born in
1953 and went to the Music school. I lived on Arany Janos st.
nr.2 I left Romania in 1970. I live in NY for the last 29 years
and lived in Israel in Jerusalem for 9 years . I'd love to find
some of my friends. If somebody remembers Feldman Jutka, Sabau
Monica, Mezey Katy, Galovics Peter, please write to me. My email
is : lbenshosha@gmail.com My cell phone is 646-996-1449
Thank you, Lia
Katherine Winslow - Lewisville, Texas, USA --
I am a descendent of Harry G. Lembert of
Philadelphia and would appreciate information about his parents
and siblings, as well as ancestors who may have come from Oradea.
Harry, who died in the 1960s, was married to Lillie and had three
daughters: Frances Elizabeth Lembert, Ethel Loretta Lembert Siegert
(my grandmother), and Dorothy Lembert Eglin. Does anyone have
information about the Lemberts?
Johan le Roux - Johannesburg, South Africa --
Good morning I have recently bought a small
copper relief by the sculptor KALLO Ede from an antique dealer
here in South Africa. On the front there is a central picture
of a seated man with a sword and a kneeling man playing a flute.
In the four corners there are 4 faces with the following names
accompanying the faces. On the back there are the words "TOLNAI
VILAG-LAPJA" AJANDEKA, and a stamp with the word Budapest. I have
been unable to find any info on this specific piece. Can anybody
give me more information on this please?
Caroline - Van Nuys, CA US --
I'm looking for anyone who may have information
on the following: Erno Spitzer, born 1888 in Vienna, Austria,
and his son, Arpad Spitzer, born 1926. The family was seperated
in the camps, some survivors. Looking for any family history informatino
or any info at all on the family.
Thank you
Claude Romney - Vancouver, Canada --
For a book I am writing on the Auschwitz
prisoner doctors, I am looking for information about Dr. Miklos
Nyiszli who became Mengele's assistant and wrote a book entitles"Auschwitz.
A Doctor's Eyewitness Account.". He was from Oradea, returned
there after the war and was still there in 1946. I would like
to find out what happened to him afterwards. His wife and daughter
also survived Auschwitz.
I would be most grateful for any information.
sandy fuchs - washington dc --
When I discovered the hollcaust memorial
I was disappointed It was hidden in back a lot and it was written
in Hebrew. It should be written in local language like Hungerian
and Romanian so the local people will know what happened and it
should not happened again because they do not teach it in school.
erika klapper nee lefkovits - riverdale, new york, u.s.a.l
-- 3/10/2008
I am searching for information about my
beloved uncle and his family, manyu rosenblum and gabby. i do
not know the names of his wife and daughter. he was my mothers
brother. supposedly he and his wife were shot at the rumanian
border in 1940. his son and daughter were sent to auschwitz from
which gabby survived. Uncle manyu was in the rug business and
shipped rugs to canada. I can not bear to think that nothing remains
of his family. If anyone has any more information please contact
me at
Erikaklapper@gmail.com Nagyvarad
Kathleen Smith - Hackensack, New Jersey USA --
I am looking for my first cousin, Agi Rabinowitz
who I believe lives on Fishman Street in Holon. If someone could
please contact her for me and have her get in touch with me via
e-mail, I would appreciate it. My e-mail address is:
Abraham Refael - Afula Israel --
looking for any members of my mother's
family from Nagyvarad .
My Mother: Gizi blau (born: 1904)
her brother: josef blau moved to palestine (israel) 1937
...any information would truly be appreciated
email: noam_r@maoz.org.il
or: ezkale@gmail.com
Roger Adler - San Antonio, Texas USA --
I am correcting a message I made earlier.
It was my grandfather Moriz Adler , who is said to have been born
in Oradea (Grosswardein) in 1863. But so far I have not been able
to find any record of his birth. His father was Isaak Adler and
his mother was Emma Hirschl. If anyone has any information of
any of these relatives please contact me at Baldreal@Sbcglobal.net
Dr. Tiberiu Leib (Lob Tibi) - Voorhees, NJ, USA --
I had an earlier note on 1/17/2007 on this
site and I realized I had the wrong first name for a childhood
friend i was looking for, His correct name is Friedman Gyuri and
he was I believe the same age as I (born in 1947 in Oradea) and
he left for France between 1959 and 1963 (not sure which year)
and I lost all contact with him. If anybody knows about him please
contact me. I was born in 1947 in Oradea and went to Gojdu - left
for Israel in 1964 and eventually to the US in 1977. My sister
Dr. Anat Yedwab (Lob Agi) who is 3 years younger than I and my
mother Leib Bella (Lob Bella) live in Jerusalem. My father (Z'L)
Leib Leopold (Lob Layos) was a tailor in Oradea and his first
wife and 2 children died in the concentration camps, as well as
his father and mother and 8 siblings. My father died in Israel
in 1974. In Oradea we lived at 3 Bemer Ter (later Piata Stalin)
across from the Theater.
Sandra Budd,mbudd@cinci.rr.com - Cincinnati, Ohio --
I am working on the genealogy of my family.
my mother's father, my grandfather, Harry Rabinowitz, immigrated
to America with 7 siblings. His 2 younger siblings, Label Rabinowitz
and Muriel Rabinowitz, immigrated from Romania to Israel in the
1940s. After my grandfather died, in 1949, my grandmother wrote
and sent money to Label and Muriel,since they were happy in Israel
and had no desire to come to America. I would like some help in
finding out about my 2 great aunt and uncle. I know Label Rabinowitz
played the violin. I know Muriel Rabinowitz came to visit my family
in AMerica, in 1959, when I was ten. She stayed for one week ,returned
to Israel, and died soon from breast cancer. If any organization
or website, can help me find out about my 3 relatives, I would
appreciate it. I have traced down all of my other relatives, who
chose to leave Romania, for America,
Thank you,
Sandra Budd
Suzy Peltz - Milwaukee, WI USA --
Still looking for any members of my mother's
family from Nagyvarad
My Mother: Rosie Abraham (born: 1921)
Parents: Bernard & Esther Abraham
My mother survived Dachau went to Germany looking for family.
Then moved to the states in 1948...any information would truly
be appreciated
Abby Gilboa - Haifa - Israel --
I am looking for the grave (either Tel
Aviv or Bersheva) of Miriam Bernstein (Bernsztejn) nee Perlmuter,
born in Rovne in 1913. She immigrated to Israle in 1959 with her
daughter Aliza and died in 1963.
Nancy Varga - San Juan, Puerto Rico --
Hello, I am looking for any record of my
grandfather Josef Varga born 1883 in Kiskereck, Hungary. I understand
he may have been Jewish, and I would like to confirm that. He
emigrated to the US in 1912, married to my grandmother Julianna.
Thank you for any suggestions.
email: nancyvarga@coqui.net
mordechai pelta - san francisco, ca, usa --
please let me know the name of the woman
who died in Oradea a few years ago, she must have been at least
80 and her father had owned a hotel in the city before the war.
she was our relative. sorry i cannot be more precise, last name
might be weisz. she was single, never married. someone involved
with the community in Oradea would know. thanks. mdpelta@yahoo.com
Ron Miller - Dix Hills, New York USA --
i'm doing the family tree. The names Katz
Itzkowitz and Donnenberg keep coming up in the area of Oradea.
Anyone run into those families. Although most immigrated to New
York City about 1912, I have the names of whom they left in Hungary.
Email: ron@millerus.com
Carol Jaffe - Oldsmar, FL --
My grandmother came from Berlin, Germany
as a young girl. She was the youngest of 10, the only girl. Her
parents were Henrietta & Fredrick Loewenberg, her name was Irma
Loewenberg. Her father owned a lead pencil factory that according
to my grandmother was one of first pencils in Germany. After her
parents died she was sent to NYC to a maternal aunt . She later
married Paul Abraham Meyer & had 2 sons & 1 daughter. One of her
sons was my father, Harold S Meyer. After the holocaust she never
heard from anyone in her family, not knowing the ages of her siblings
I don't know if anyone survived. email: cmjaffe@tampabay.rr.com
Lena Ganz Haber - NYC, USA --
My father's family (Ganz) lived in Valea
lui mihai; any information re: Ilonka Ganz Roth and her children
who were mudered; my grandparents Hinda & Albert (Eliyahu) Ganz
(murdered) or the graves of my great grandparents would be appreciated
Daniel Klapper - Teaneck, New Jersey --
Hello this is a response to Vivian Kahn
of Oakland California 9-24-07 about her second cousins Rosenblum
from Navygarad. my mothers mother was the sister of Manyu Rosenblum
and we are interested as well in finding more information on these
cousins that would make gabi my mother's first cousin
thanks in advance
Lungu Ivan - Haifa - Israel --
I have submitted a message on November
9, 2007 containing a list of my family members deported to Auschwitz,
from ORADEA, and till today have got no confirmation from your
side wether you have received it. Kindly let me have a confirmation.
My e-mail address is: lungu.stella@gmail.com
Thanking you in advance for your confirmation,
respectfully Ivan Lungu - Haifa
Lungu Ivan - Haifa - Israel --
I have written earlier a message, but didn't
indicate my data. I am 72 and live in Haifa. As I with my parents
lived in Romania, in Caransebes during WW II, we escaped the deportation.
I emigrated to Israel in 1973, to Haifa. My phone no. is: 00 -
972 - 4 - 8333465. E-mail : lungu.stella@gmail.com
Moshe Paul Mones - Bearsville, N.Y. USA --
Greetings. I am looking for any info on
my grandfather Maurice (Moshe) Reis (Reisz). He married my grandmother
Madeline (Minna) Weintraub in Romania, they moved to Paris. My
Grandmother, mother, and siblings left Paris, came to the U.S.
and changed their last name to 'Raiss'. They contructed a story
about my grandfather. Only via Yad Vashem was I able to get some
information which told me 1. Their real name was Reis (which my
mother and aunt confirmed) 2. My grandfather was deported by the
Vichy from Paris to Auschwitz and murdered there. My mother cannot
speak of him. If any of this is familiar to someone please contact
me at paulmones@mac.com kol tov
Magdalena Bogyo, maiden name Hirghelt - Mamaroneck NY,
USA -- 11/3/2007
I am looking for a childhood friend Sugar
Aliz who went to school to generala 8 and lived on Kossuth utca.
She had an older sister Vera, they both immigrated to Israel.
Aliz was good friends with Magdi and Ani while in gererala 8.
If anybody knows of her whereabouts, please let me know, thanks.
Tiberiu Weisz - New York, NY --
My wife and I went back to visit Oradea
after an absence of some 43 years. We took in-laws and our children
as well. All in all it was a strange experience. Most of the center
of the city has been fixed up; the outskirts and our school (Gojdu)
look pretty bad. The biggest problem is the Neolog Synagogue.
Ironically, it dominates the skylight of the city but inside it
is mess and it is in real danger of collapsing.
Debbie Rosenberg - Teaneck,New Jersey.U.S.A. --
My mother is from Ermihaifalva and came
to the United States in 1949.She had a brother-in-law (he was
married to her sister who died in Auchwitz) who survived the war
and remained in the area. I believe he was a monument engraver.
We would like to know if he is still alive. His name is Gershon
Schwartz and my mother would like to find out this information.
Her name is now Irene Oppenheimer (nee Teitelbaum). I would also
like to know if there is someone who could help me find the grave
of my grandmother who died in the late 1920's and is buried in
Tard. Her name was Mariska Teitelbaum. Any help with any of these
things would be most appreciated. Thanks
John Spencer ( Spitz Noni ) - Montreal, Que. Canada --
Left Oradea Feb.1961...
This past May I returned to Oradea and walked down "memory lane.”
It was an emotional experience to see my birthplace, preschool,
elementary (Petru Groza) and high school (Gojdu).
It seemed that time has frozen since I left, not much has changed.
Pleasant surprise was to see the evolution of the Jewish Community.
In retrospect, my stay was short however it rekindled an interest
from the past upon which I have been reflecting more often in
the last few months then ever before.
I guess I must be getting old and sentimental.
That said I will be looking forward in the near future for a longer
Tonja C. Fleischer - Lake Panasoffkee, FL United States
-- 9/29/2007
I am looking for information on my husband’s
family, his father in law is first generation American. My father-in-law’s
name is Ronald Minigus Fleischer, his fathers name is Martin Fleischer,
mothers name is Johanna. They both came over through Ellis Island
(?), but at different times. She came over with her family and
he came over with his mother. His mother might have been divorced.
Vivian Kahn - Oakland, California --
I am seeking information about my second
cousins Judit (Dici) and Gabor Rosenblum from Nagyvarad. Their
parents were Mano Rosenblum and Maria Rosenberg. Maria's mother
Josefine was my paternal grandfather's sister. Dici was reportedly
deported to in 1942-43 and is on a list of Stutthof prisoners.
Family members say that she perished at Auschwitz but I have found
no evidence of that. Gabor survived the Shoah and returned to
Nagyvarad. According to one of our cousins, he aroused the interest
of the secret police when he tried to access funds that their
father , Dr. Mano Rosenblum, had deposited in a Swiss bank before
the war. In 1946, Gabi wrote to the Swiss bank inquiring about
his father's account. The government censors intercepted the letter
and reported him to the Securitate. He was imprisoned, tortured,
and finally released, but never recuperated. He died in 1946 after
being hit by a streetcar; nobody knows whether he committed suicide
or was pushed.
Marton Ozren - Zagreb, Croatia --
I am looking information about my family
from Oradea. My great grandfather was born in 1878, his name is
Josef Marton. He moved to Sarajevo, Bosnia and stayed there.
Ladislav Fuchs - N.Bethesda Maryland USA --
I am looking for information about my father
who died in Oradea in 1950. His Name Fuchs Marton Marci, who had
plastic (Bakelit) factory. My mother?s name is Anna Felfman Fuchs.
if any one knows any thing about my family I will be very thankful.
My email is.
Tel 847-922-2282
fax 301.896.0125
T. Bing - South Africa --
I am looking information in connection
with my Grandfather who was in Germany Samuel Bing. He and his
brothers had to leave Germany. My father was an orphan. I had
an uncle Max Bing. I think was his brother and my aunt's name
was Hannah. I really have very little information about my grandfather.
Judith Ganea -Winnipeg, Canada --
I sent a message in Hungarian , I will
repeat in English the question. If someone know about Eva David
and Katz Zsuzsi from Oradea. Eva lived on Zoldfa utca 1 and Zsuzsi
at 5, where I lived to until 1989. Eva David father was a painter
and they immigrated in Los Angeles in the 1965-67. I kept in touch
with her and met her again around 1973 when she was visiting Oradea.
Since then I lost track of her. She was married to a Hungarian
man from Hungary. I would like if somebody know about her to help
me to find her. My other friend and neighbor was Zsuzsi Katz,
her father Tibi Katz was auto mechanic and they immigrated in
Detroit around the same time. If you know about Eva and Zsuzsi
perhaps you can help me. Thanks
Franka - Israel -- 8/9/2007
I am the grandson of Ullmann Family from
To from Oradea. I am very interested in researching my family
and would love to hear from you. You can also email me at danfranka@hotmail.com
or call me
Thank you
Chaim Kurz-Union City NJ USA --
My mother is seeking pictures from her
late brothers who were killed in the holocaust. Are there any
school records with pictures?
Please send respose to ckurz17@aol.com
Erika Yanovich-Holon - Israel --
Thanks for all the efforts of the Lempert
family, including this great site.
I was born in Oradea (as Berger Erika) in 1963 and immigrated
to Israel in 1981.
My father, Berger Jeno was a prominent member of the local Jewish
Community (in which I grew up) until he died in 1977. His entire
family (in Szentjob and later Szekejhid) was murdered in Auschwitz,
except for one sister, Sziszi (Ester) who married Klein Levi and
lived in Szekejhid till 1970 when they immigrated to Israel with
their two children Kati and Gabi.
My husband Janovics Peter was also born in Oradea in 1954 and
studied at Gojdu. His Janovics grandfather owned a kosher deli
on the main street before the war.
If any of you recognize our names and would like to be in touch,
we can be reached at: erika_y@rad.com and peter.yanovich@intel.com
Alex Borla (Weiss) - Camarillo California --
My mother Agnes Weiss , my aunt Sophie
Weiss and myself we were all born in Ermihalyfalva. I would like
to hear from friends and relatives
spitz meidi - rishon le zion, israel --
hello all
my name is rivka ( meidi) spitz and this is the first time that
ive been visiting your site. i was born in the jewish hospital
of ordea in february 1947. im the daughter of spitz jeno and backman
olga. we lived in Ermihalyfalva untill 1950 we moved to israel.
tomorrow i am going, for the first time since i left ermyihalyfalva,
to visit the region and the village. i am looking for any information
that could help my search. especially the surnames backman and
weiss ( my mothers family). great to know such site exists
Eric R. Rosenbaum - W. Hollywood, CA USA --
Our family started in Oradea in 1848 when
my Great Great Grandfather Samuel was mustered out of the Imperial
Russian Army there due to his wounds. His son Morris Rosenbaum
came to the USA and eventually settled in Philadelphia, PA. Please
don't hesitate to get in touch with me if you can provide any
information regarding our family and its friends. eric.rosenbaum@mailexcite.com
David Lempert - superlemp@yahoo.com --
To make these memorials relevant to the
people of Oradea today and to the members of the Oradea community
in the Diaspora, we should focus on the IDEAS that developed there
and what was special about the interaction of different groups
there in the past, to offer something that is a model to be applied
today. Otherwise, our memorial will just be a kind of a cemetery
of something in the past that has died. Join me in supporting
Diaspora Bridge Centers for the region, to build new bridges and
reinvigorate the ideas that made multi-ethnic communities like
Oradea special.
Eric Hitter - Antwerp Belgium --
I would like to know if there is still
a Jewish community in Oradea. How many familes or people live
in Nagyvarad? Is there a Rabbi Kehila and the usual standard Jewish
Eric Hitter
Eric Hitter - Antwerp Belgium --
I would like to see some progress in the
building of the promised memorial of Nagyvarad. It was one of
the nicest Jewish communities in Transylvania. It deserves a nice
museum. Hopefully it will be achieved.
Pauline Herbach - Fremont, California, USA --
This is the first time I have been on your
website. This is a wonderful tribute. My father was Alfred Spitz
, born in 1924 in Nagyvarad. He passed in 1980 in Bay Shore, New
York, USA where he had lived since 1954. He was the only survivor
of his family of 4. His father Arthur, mother Serena, and sister
Leah all perished at Auschwitz.
Thank you.
- USA -- 5/31/2007
We will be coming to Oradea on the 19th of June 07 to research
about Jewish family who used to live in Szekelyhid at the beginning
of the 20th century. We are looking for archives where we could
find information. Do you know if such archives exist in Oradea
? If so, could you give me their address and phone number ?
Thank you very much for your help,
Paul Hamburg - USA --
My mother was born in Oradea (Gelberg Annus)
and married my father (Hamburg Josef), lived in Koloszvar until
being deported to Bergen Belsen. wonder who might remember her
Miguel Fruchter - Israel , Mehir Gershon, Jerusalem
-- 4/5/2007
My Grandparents Moises David Z''L, born
in 1903 In Maramuresh, the village called Seshel. Hif father was
Samuel Fruchter and his mother Hanse Rosenberg. They had 13 children,
12 boys, 1 girl, and he was the youngest. He made the militarh
servkce and my grandfather left to South America after the 1st
world war in 1927. He married in Uruguay with Rosa Fruchter. She
also had the same family name and was born in Romania in Borsah
in 1904 and she had 6 sisters and 1 brother. Please let me know
if there is any Fruchter from your community.
Nitsan - Haifa - Israel --
I'm looking for people from Nagyvarad area. My grandpa was born
in Vadul Crisului, he's 78 years old, and looking for people his
age/older/younger who still live around there, to chat with..
he uses a lot his email. He speaks both Hungarian and Romanian.
Please contact me, my email address is:
Eli Katz MD - Santa Barbara, California, USA --
My wife and I and 2 kids will be in Budapest
for Passover. My Mom is from Oradea. We are looking for a place
to go for a seder the 1st night of Passover either in Budapest
or Oradea. We can bring wine and dessert. We would love to meet
a nice Jewish Hungarian family.
Katz MD - Santa Barbara, California, USA --
My Mom is Sarah Berkovits. Her 2 sisters
Toby and Roszi survived. My mom is 81 years old. She lost 6 siblings
including Mandy and Srul and her parents Elias and Frieda. Elias
sold fruits and vegetables. My cousin wrote a 60 page story after
interviewing his Mom, Toby:
I am coming to Hungary for the 1st time on April 1. Please e-mail
to me if you know anything about my family. I am a Psychiatrist
in Santa Barbara California.
Andrei grosz - Madison new jersey --
Looking for relatives of my grand father
solomon d golda grosz
Damó Gyöngyi - Düsseldorf, Germany --
1955-ben születtem Nagyváradon és 1974-ben
végeztem a Mogyorósiban (a 3-ban ) , a Revilákné osztályában.
Čdesapámat, Damó Zoltánt, a szabót, akinek a Teleki utcán volt
üzlete biztosan sokan ismerték közzületek. Ö édesanyám halála
után újra nösült és Krausz Malvint vette el.
Aki velem járt iskolába, vagy ismert engem, vagy csak szeretné
velem felvenni a kapcsolatot...örülnék ha jelentkezne. A Rapaport
László álltal rendezett nagyváradiak találkozóján, május elsö
hétvégéjén én is ott leszek. Hátha néhányatokkal ott találkozhatnék.
Szeretettel üdvözlök minden váradit !
Címem :
Gyöngyi Damo-Hansen
40595 Düsseldorf
Tel : +49 / 211 / 70 77 36
Mobil : +49 / 163 / 18 96 459
E-mail : gy.hansen@gmx.de
Skype : gyongyi.damo.hansen
Paulo Ungar - New York, USA --
Just for the record, my father Ferencz
Ungar survived the Concentration Camp of Auschwitz and after a
few years in Europe he went to Brazil were he met my mother, Lenke
Tamas Ungar.
Therefore, his name which shows in your list as deceased is not
correct. He lost in the Concentration Camp his father (Jakab),
his mother (Julia) and his sister (Vera).
If any of you knew him and would like to get in contact please
email me at: ungarpe@aol.com.
Paulo Ungar
W.Muegendt - Heusenstamm,Germany --
Looking for Szabatkay Miklos.Leaving in
Germany(Aachen?).Please contact me.Willy.
Tommy Sharir - Toronto Canada --
I would appreciate if somebody could provide me with some information
about the two Friedman Peter's(specially the taller one,Frici
) or any other common friends.
Tommy Sharir (Schreier)
Dina - Brooklyn, New York, USA --
Hello, my brother lives in Maramures, Romania,
and i wanted to know if there is any way you can help him find
a jewish girlfriend in Romania. He is a very nice serious guy,
and he would like to date a nice jewish girl. please let me know,
at didee647@aol.com
Roger Adler - san antonio, texas --
My grandmother Moriz Adler was born around
1863 in Grosswardin (oradea). I would like to find out about his
family, my ancestors. Could someone in Oradea research this for
me. I would be willing to pay for such research.
Roger Adler
Telephone: usa 210 493-1713
Ramon Ernesto Lembert - North Carolina, USA --
I was born in 1966. My gradfather name
was Nicolas Lembert. I have an ancestor whose name was Nicholaus
LEMBERT - born in 1741 ,Germany. As per this web site: http://www.familysearch.org/Eng/Search/ancestorsearchresults.asp?standardize=N&last_name=Lembert
The Lembert family and the Lempert family are one, and of Jewish
Can you confirm that for me please. Thanks!
My Email: e.lembert@gmail.com
Rappaport László - Budapest, Hungary --
Minden évben , május elso hétvégéjén Siófokon
rendezem 17 éve a Külföldön Élo Nagyváradiak Különleges Összejövetelét
(KÉNKO) Szeretettel várok mindenkit.
Tel: 0036703807875
E-mail: konzultchem.bt@chello.hu
Fischer Peter - Budapest, Hungary --
Looking for everybody from Nagyvarad. If
you want to come to the Nagyvarad annual meeting in Hungary, May
5th, don’t hesitate to contact me.
E MAIL corvinp@freemail.hu
phone nr. +36309212522,+36305130147.
Bye and take care
Fischer Peter
Dr. Tiberiu Leib (Lob Tibi) - Voorhees, NJ, USA --
I was born in 1947 in Oradea and went to
Gojdu - left for Israel in 1964 and eventually to the US in 1977.
My sister Dr. Anat Yedwab (Lob Agi) who is 3 years younger than
I and my mother Leib Bella (Lob Bella) live in Jerusalem. My father
(Z'L) Leib Leopold (Lob Layos) was a tailor in Oradea and his
first wife and 2 children died in the concentration camps, as
well as his father and mother and 8 siblings. My father died in
Israel in 1974. In Oradea we lived at 3 Bemer Ter (later Piata
Stalin) across from the Theater.
I am looking for friends that I lost contact with since leaving
Oradea. One of them is Friedman Peter, who left Oradea a few years
before I did and I heard he may have ended up in France, but I
was never able to find him. Another is Grosz Peter who for a while
lived in Philadelphia in the ‘80s but I lost contact with him.
Anyone else who remembers me is welcome to contact me. I attended
the reunion in 2000 and am hoping that we will have another maybe
in Oradea soon.
Hitter Eric - Antwerp Belgium --
Is there any progress in building a Jewish
Museum inNagyvarad/Oradea? I was born there and would like to
see some remembrance of the big Jewish Community that existed
before the war.
Kinds Regards,
Eric Hitter
Nachum Katz - Hadera, Israel --
For those looking for graves of people buried
in the Velence cemetery, I could not find old graves there, and
the cemetery is kept in very bad shape, and the old graves can
not be found, nor are they properly registered.
One should still try with the Hebrew Community in Oradea, they
might have some data about people people there.
Joel Roth - PARIS - FRANCE --
My name is Joel Roth. My grandfather Markusz
Roth (deported from Debrecen to Auschwitz where he died in June
1944) was born in Ermihalyfalva, and his mother's grave is in
the Jewish Cemetery there.
The synagogue of Ermihalyfalva seems to need some renovation and
care. Is there any institution or fund that can take care of this?
lya - Israel -- 12/30/2006
I am looking for MARTON AGI, born in Oradea,
she lived in Israel a few years, then moved to Hungary.
This is a message for Tommy Schreier: my name is lya, I vas born
in Oradea, Colonel Buzoianu st. 20. I think you must be the boy
who lived near where the street began.
Jancsi - Nagyvarad - Israel - Budapest --
Nem kevés ismeros nevét találtam, böngészve
e lapot. (Füredi Nano, Izsák Tibi, Roth Matyi, Komlósi-testvérek,
Geroe Zsuzsi stb.)
Boldog lennék, ha még többel kapcsolatot tudnék teremteni. 66-ban
érettségiztem a Gojdu-ban, 80-ban kerültem Izraelbe, s több mint
három éve Budapesten dolgozom és élek.
Kapcsolat: janos48@t-online.hu
telefon: +36-30-330-6006
Klein - Rye Brook, New York, USA --
I am looking for the birthplace of my father
and his three brothers. They lived in the Oradea region through
the first two decades of the 1900s. They left for America in 1920
and were probably from Boianu Mare (in Romanian) or Tasnadbajom
(in Hungarian). My grandmother's passport spells the name of their
town as "Boian."
My great grandmother's name was Kata Biermann.
My grandfather's name was Bela.
My grandmother's name was Fanny Klein.
My father's name was Arpad Klein
His brother's names were: Geza Klein and Akos Klein.
Does anyone know someone who is familiar with the Jewish families
living in the town of Boianu Mare/Tasnadbajom from 1900 to 1920?
Can you advise me how I might go about searching for my family's
records? The family's last names are Klein and Biermann (my great
grandmother): we are Hungarian Jews. Four brothers left for America
in 1920 with their mother and grandmother; their father (my grandfather)
was killed in 1913.
My cousin, Valerie Wayne, will be traveling to the area next April
after teaching for several weeks at the University of Szeged in
Hungary. This will be her first trip to Eastern Europe, and she
does not have the language skills necessary for detailed research,
but there is a linguist at the University of Szeged who has helped
her locate the town where our family probably lived and who may
assist her in locating birth, marriage, or death records in Oradea.
Where do you suggest we try to look for these documents? At one
of the remaining synagogues? At a municipal office? Is Oradea
the best place to begin? Is there another person whom we should
consult with these questions? If you have any advice, I would
be very grateful for it. I am copying my cousin Valerie Wayne
on this message. I await your early reply.
With many thanks,
Please contact me at Frankklein@msn.com or my cousin Valerie Wayne
Ganea - Winnipeg Canada --
I was born in Nagyvarad (Oradea) in 1954
as Klerman David daughter. Dr.Terez Mozes is my father's cousin.
I found out that Dr.Terez Mozes immigrated in the summer of 2006
to Israel to her son Dr. Gabriel Mozes. I would like to get in
contact with Dr. ANNA (MOZES) HERCZ, Terez Mozes's daughter from
Montreal, Dr Gabriel Mozes from Israel and their mother dr. Terez
Mozes. They are my only relatives from my father’s side. My father
Klerman David left Oradea when I was 2 years old in 1956 and I
never had a chance to see him again. I would love to find my father's
family. My Email is ganeaj@mts.net.
Thank you for the opportunity created by this project. This is
a wonderful initiative to preserve the Jewish community from Nagyvarad.
Thank you for everybody who contributed to this project.
Tirpak - Ct. -- 12/7/2006
My Daughter is doing family ancestry & we
are trying to find out more info on my grandmother if possible.
She was from Hungary, where she was born we do not know. Her name,
Elzbieta Szirmai, born 1882/1883. We believe after she married
over there she wound up in Ungvar; they came to the USA in early
Feuerstein - New York, New York USA --
My father grew up in Fegyvernek. His father
was a Rabbi Illos his wife, Maria and their children, Magda, Eva,
Alize, Bela, Tibor, Iboly, Ernu, Erna, Imre and Erzsi. I am trying
to find pictures of their village. They lived next door to the
temple. At age 10 my father was taken to the concentration camps.
His father was presumed killed.
Everyone else survived. This month my father will be in the USA
for 50 years. The so-called Hungarian Gold Train and retribution
is a farce. There is no retribution for my father or his family.
He remembers Kiddush cups, Torahs and shofars that I'm sure are
destroyed. I'm trying to find pictures of his childhood, the town
he came from... anything. Can any one help or make suggestions?
I can be reached via e-mail to Shoody@aol.com
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Lainer - 8859 Cashio St -Los Angeles, CA 90035 --
I am looking for a Vera, whose mothers's
maiden name might have been Csilag or Bienenstock and who was
hiding in Budapest during the war. She had an uncle, Marton, who
survived the war in Zvolen but died not long afterwards. I have
her picture from around 1947-48 from a graduation from a school
in Budapest that she sent to my mother Etus Rosman (born Bienenstock
in in Nyarad Szered or Miercurea Niraj in Romania).
Paulo Ungar - 8859 Cashio St -Los Angeles, CA 90035 --
Just for the record, my father Ferencz Ungar
survived the Concentration Camp of Auschwitz and after a few years
in Europe he went to Brazil were he met my mother, Lenke Tamas
Therefore, his name which shows in your list as deceased is not
correct. He lost in the Concentration Camp his father (Jakab),
his mother (Julia) and his sister (Vera).
If any of you knew him and would like to get in contact please
email me at: ungarpe@aol.com.
Paulo Ungar
Harry Mendelovich - New York City, NY, USA --
I would like to purchase a book written about the Oradea Jewery.
Its name in Hungarian is: “Varad a Viharban", edited by Katona
Bela and published in 1946. I do not know of any translations
of this book, but if there is a Romanian translation I am interested
as well. The name in English should be "Oradea under Storm". If
you can help me, please contact me at this E-Mail: galitharry@yahoo.com
Harry Mendelovich
Barb - USA -- 10/3/2006
I want to find out where my grandfather
is from. All I know is Germany. His name is Loues A Gatzel, born
I think in 1893.
Ildiko Vas Salomie - Mount Albert, Ontario, Canada --
I was born in Oradea. My grandfather was
Fekete Sandor. I immigrated to Israel in 1975 and 1978 I came
in Canada. If anybody knew me and would like to get in touch my
E-mail is: ildikosalomie1@msn.com
Paulo Ungar - New York, NY USA --
Just for the record, my father Ferencz Ungar
survived the Concentration Camp of Auschwitz and after a few years
in Europe he went to Brazil were he met my mother, Lenke Tamas
Therefore, his name which shows in your list as deceased is not
correct. He lost in the Concentration Camp his father (Jakab),
his mothet (Julia) and his sister (Vera).
Tibi Grosz - Israel, Herzliah --
Well, as many people wrote, the site, or
the idea behind it, is very interesting and, most of all, helps
to re-establish old acquaintances. For me, as an example, to find
the whereabouts of Miki Komlosi and his family in Antwerpen.
Something about myself: I was born near Baia Mare and moved to
Oradea in 1952. To Eva Grosz: Having the same last name, I do
not think we are related even though my father's first wife's
last name was Abraham. She had two sons, Tibi & Oszi. All perished
in WW2.
From my mother's side, she has was born in Satu Mare and moved
to Oradea when she was a little girl. She was an Uljhazi and lived
next to the Jewish hospital. I know that her brother, Zoli, was
born in Oradea, emigrated to Israel in '47 and on to Montreal
in 1962. She also had two sisters, who also may have been born
in Oradea. One of the sisters was married to Bernstein Joska from
Valea Lui Mihay.
Those asking for people that lived in this village can contact
Mrs. Judit Gluck from Toronto, E-mail - jjudita@sympatico.ca.
She was a Treuhaft before she became Gluck. The Treuhafts are
also related to the Uljhazi Family. I am aware of one Treuhaft
in Ashkelon and one from New York, both passed away, but still
in touch with the remainder of the family.
Another tree of my family are the Rosenbergs, who had a store
in the Ulmann Palota before WW2. The brother, Mike Rand (changed
his name when fled Romania to Canada) passed away. Two sisters,
Bozsi (Blau) and Eva (Halmi) now reside in Cote St. Luck, Canada.
For you, Tommy Sharir (Schreier), just in case, Tommy Blau and
his brother, Steven (Istvan) live in Toronto. I know that you
know Tommy but I am not aware if you are in touch with him.
Finally, I hope that I have contributed a little to this site.
For anyone that wants to send some feedback:
E-mail: tibig07@012.net.il or tibig@elal.co.il
Mobile: +972-54-2466553
Yossi Peled (Pollak) - Israel --
Could you please help me contact (by phone
or E-Mail) Mr. Alex Sivan, Director of the Jewish communities
of Romania. Please return by my E-Mail.
Best regards, and thank you for your help.
Yossi Peled
Mihai Robert Soran, b. Schwartz - Frankfurt / Germany
-- 8/26/2006
I was more than surprised to see that the Jozsef Szücs, one of
the most wonderful people who saved many Jewish lives during the
Holocaust (and lost his Jewish wife and children) isn''t mentioned
at all as one of the "righteous". Despite the fact that the Wiesel
Holocaust Commission's Final Report 2004 dedicates him a full
paragraph. "In 1942, soon after Iozsef Szucs was placed in charge
of several forced labor battalions, he proceeded to fundamentally
improve their situation: he offered shelter, brought a physician,
cancelled arrests and physical punishments, improved food, replaced
abusive guards, and instituted the right to rest leave. In 1944,
he helped dozens of Jewish families to leave the ghetto and take
refuge in Romania. Unfortunately, Szucs was unable to save his
own Jewish wife and children from deportation."
After my grandfather, Dr. Izsák Mihály (mentioned in the Ghetto
chapter here), was murdered in a concentration camp and my grandmother
Izsák Ida (born Dicker) and mother Izsák Hedi (Hedwig) survived,
my grandmother has married Szücs Iozsef, so that he became my
step-grandfather. I was still a youngster, but a proud one as
he was invited to Jerusalem by the many Jews he helped survive.
He deserves to be remembered on this site.
Many thanks and kindest regards,
Mihai Robert Soran ( born Schwartz)
Henry-Budge-Str. 65
60320 Frankfurt, Germany
Mr I bing - New Zealand --
I am looking for a member of the Bucharest
Jewish community who is an architect or intersted in architecture
to help me find a modernist architectural structure designed by
my grandfather. It was a commercial shop - very finely fitted
( a luxury tobbacconist). Do you know any leaders of the Jewish
community in Bucharest that you could refer me to that have an
interest in Jewish Art and Design in the 1920s and 1930s?
My grandfather made it out of Czechoslovakia alive and continued
to practice as an architect here in New Zealand but he was Czech
- but his clients, many of whom were Jewish were from all over
Europe....including Bucharest. I have a photographer in Bucharest
who will help me find the structure but I am looking fo ra local
Jewish architect to collaborate with on finding old photographs
in the press or local publications on the structure.
I hope you may be able to help.
I bing
Kelly Nurnberg - United States --
I would like to find out about Izidor Schwartz,
my great grandfather was Izidor Schwartz and I wanted to know
if this is the one.
Franz-Albert VAN DEN BUSSCHE - Lacroix-Falgarde, France
-- 7/24/2006
I think you made a mistake in "An Introduction
to its Jewish History" chapter "Charity, Civic Life, Culture",
5th paragraph. I think it's a little confuse between "hid" and
"holnap". My grandmother, Jutka Miklos, told me she was a member
of the "holnap" group not the "hid".
For memory, my grandmother, Jutka Miklós was born in 1887 in Berettyóújfalu.
Her real name was Militzer (I found also Miletzer on the net).
She told me that her family was deported during holocaust, at
this time she was in Morocco since 1927.
Best wishes for all. In French -- Le bonjour ŕ tous, meilleurs
souvenirs de Toulouse.
Szirmai-Milko Veronika - Nuenen Hollandia --
Ismerte valaki Szekely Sarikat szuletett
Szabadkai szarmazasu, Nagyvaradon elt ferjevel es ket kislanyaval.
Edesapam nagynenje volt. Az egesz chaladot deportaltak, vagy utkozben
elpusztitottak. Minden infoprmacionak elore is halas koszonet.
Mas: ki tudja a nagyvaradi zsido hittkozseg cimet?
Susan Geroe - San Diego, CA --
This is in response to V.Szirmai-Miko and
others who would like to have the address of the Jewish Community
Center in Oradea:
Comunitatea Evreiasca
Str. Mihai Viteazul No.4
3700 Oradea
Agnes Grossinger - San Jose, CA, USA --
I would like to report that the Holocaust
Memorial monument in the Carei cemetery has some damage. Can you
tell me to whom can I report this damage to?
Agi (Rosner) Grossinger
Veronika Szirmai-Milko - Nuenen, The Netherlands --
Thank you for putting my message on the Forum. Could you add my
e-mail address as well? It is:
Sorry for extra effort.
This message is for
V.Szilmal-Milko Nueman,The Netherlands
Send a E-Mail to info@nlempert.org,with your request i am sure
they will be able to help you
Vera Hecht@aol.com
V. Szirmai-Milko - Nuenen, The Netherlands --
My father's aunt Szekely Sarika born Kunetz
and her family lived in Nagyvarad. They were deported or killed
before they could arrive anywhere. Does anybody know where I could
find some information or maybe there is somebody who remembers
them. Something else: I would like to have the address of the
Centre of the Oradea Jewish community. Thanks for reading me.
VERA HECHT - Brooklyn, NY --
I would like to now if anyone knows Serah
Schwatz, from Sydney Australia. Was born in Romania Transylvania,
from Auschwitz was taken to a bomb factory, and then to Thereisinstadt,
from where she was liberated in 1945. I was taken from Auschwitz
also to a bomb factory, and was liberated in Thereisienstadt May
9 1945.Maybe we where in the same camp. The camp name was Teplic
Avromie Rosenfeld - Brooklyn, NY --
I would like to knew anyone who knew Avrohom
Brachyeh Rosenfeld from Antwerp, Belgum. If you knew him please
email tut_vey@hotmail.com
Jeff Sklar - Los Angeles, CA, USA --
I am trying to find out if the street known
as Pece Utca in Nagyvarad, Hungary is now known as Pacii Street
in Oradea, Romania. Any thoughts is appreciated. Please email
me at jsklar@loeb.com.
Sue Gena Lurie - Fort Worth, Texas USA --
In trying to gather information on my Great
Aunt Irene/Inka MOOR [born 1886 +/-, in Grosswardein; Mother Karoline
BLOCH, from Grosswardein; father Simon MOOR, originally from Kisujszallas]
I have run across MOOR's living in Sydney Australia, and a Y.
Z. MOOR who moved to Kibbutz Ga'Aton in Israel. Would any of the
MOORs, or Bloch's know of Inka and her family; and would anyone
know of Y Z MOOR and his family in Israel, and how I might contact
him/or them?
Sue Gena Lurie
Fort Worth, Texas USA
home email - lurie@worldnet.att.net
office email - slurie@hsc.unt.edu
Sue Gena Lurie - Fort Worth, Texas USA --
I am trying to gather information on family
members who origanlly came from Oradea. My great Aunt Irene/Inka
MOOR was born in Grosswardein in 1886 ±; her mother was Karoline
BLOCH ; her father was Simon MOOR [I think from Kisujszallas,
Hungary - near Szolnok]; she had a sister Czekus [about the same
age as Inka]; and a brother [Emil of whom nothing is known]. Irene
and Czekus went to school in Budapest; Inka married an American
Doctor - my great uncle - in Vienna in 1909, and shortly thereafter
moved to the United States, as did her sister; we have no idea
what happened to her brother, or her father or mother.
Would the Jewish community have any information on the Bloch's
and Moor's; and would they know / have any records of them through
the twenties, thirties, through the Hurban, and, perhaps, after
Thank you for any assistance.
Sue Gena LURIE, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences
School of Public Health
University of North Texas Health Science Center
3500 Camp Bowie Boulevard
Fort Worth, Texas 76107
office email: slurie@hsc.unt.edu
office fax: 817-735-0255
home email: lurie@worldnet.att.net
Grosz Eva - Caracas, Venezuela --
I'm trying to find someone of my family.
My father, Z´L, was Grosz Sándor, born in 1902 in Gyortelek. My
mother (Z'L) was Aurelia Abraham, born in 1911 in Alba Iulia (Gyulafehérvár).
I would like to find someone of my family. My father lost his
first wife & his too sons in Auschwitz. I am the only one child
of his second marriage & would appreciate very much if you can
bring me some information to: eva_grosz@hotmail.com. Thank you.
nava levanon - herzelya israel --
my father's family was in oradea befor the war. how it is possible
to find out where they were taken from there? their names were:
goldenberg /charash gisha (the mother)
moshe-ystchak (father)
thank you very much for your help
Orit Berl - Kiriat Bialik, Israel --
Hello, I was very happy to discover by chance
this site. My family on my mother's side came from Oradea and
I'm sure I'll find lots of information on this site to assist
me in my geneology search. I added a few names of my relatives
to your important list of deportees. I would appreciate it if
you could notify me when the list on the site will be updated.
Thank you very much,
Gene Waggaman - Stamford, Ct., U.S.A. --
Norbert's suggestion that we try to fold
the project under the auspices of AJC or B'nai B'rith is a good
one. The idea recognizes that what is important here is that the
project move forward, and that if the cost is some small loss
of control it may well be worth the price. There is indeed a logjam
at present, and it does not appear that there is any way to predict
when -- or if -- it may break. As Norbet indicates, the scope
and reach of these two organizations brings some obvious clout
and some new, subtle pressure to the table. I'd vote for aggressively
investigating this avenue to accomplish our mission.
Norbert Lempert - Stamford, Ct., U.S.A. --
Dear Friends,
Many months have gone by since we last provided an update about
the ongoing effort to create a new Jewish museum and family learning
center in Oradea, in the building that was once the Teleki St.
Synagogue. The reason is that we are at an impasse with the leadership
of the Romanian Jewish Community, concerning the terms of the
arrangement that would give us access to the building.
Please take a moment to review the update just posted by clicking
And please share your views, suggestions and questions about
these matters, by posting a message in this forum. Let us
know if you support our effort or if you feel it should be dropped.
And let us know if you would be willing to help us lobby for a
reasonable arrangement with the Jewish Community of Romania.
Thank you and best regards,
Norbert Lempert
Paul Kuhnz - Newport Beach, CA --
I am planning a trip to Budapest and would
love to find the town where my father was born and spent his youth..
He went to school in Nagyvarod but lived in a town that sounded
like Piszkarkos. His name was Eugene Kun (changed to Kuhn after
immigrating to the USA) and his family owned the general store
and tavern in this town. I would like to know the current name
of this town so I could visit it
Joseph Katz - Los Angeles --
While going through some of my mother's papers, I located a form
which stated that her mother was a member of the Ermihalyfalva
community. Can anyone please give me some info on this community?
You can respond to ya139999@yahoo.com
A.V. - Oradea,Romania --
To Dana M.from Israel
I read your message to CA Ullmann from Manchester and I want to
know more about the Ullmann family from Oradea. I am Romanian
lawyer and I live just near Palatul Ullmann in Oradea.I am very
interested in the history of the Jews from Oradea-Mare, especially
in great families of the past (Ullmann,Guttmann,etc). Please,contact
me on this forum! Thank you.
Nachum Katz - Hadera, Israel --
Unfortunately the Velence in the old cemetery
it impossible to find graves because it grew so much weed and
is neglected. If there was a way to clean it and make sure the
graves are kept clear it would be wonderful, what could we possibly
Gabriele Lempert-Rehor - Vienna, Austria --
to Elie Levy Lempert - Caracas, Venezuela:
My grandfather was Otto Lempert from Vienna, Austria. He died
in Buchenwald. His brother, Walter Lempert, emigrated to Cochabamba,
Bolivia, and later emigrated to Israel. He and his wife adopted
a girl from Cochabamba.
Any similiarities? I think I have no relatives in Romania. Anybody
know anything about it?
Dana M - Israel -- 3/29/2006
Hello to CA Ullman from Manchester,
I have read you have been looking for the Ullman family from Oradea
and its various branches. I believe there are many Ullman families,
I don't know if we are the ones you have been looking for, but
we are a branch of the Ullman family from Palatul Ullman. You
didn't leave any e-mail so I will write mine. ydmarkus@bezeqint.net
Matthew(Matyi) Roth - Staten Island, NY --
I'm writing in response to Leslie Weinberg's
questions. First of all my mother died in 2003, so I can't ask
her about your grandmother's sister. However, the name Rojie,
is most likely spelled Rozsi, which is short for Rozalia in Hungarian.
Therefore, in official (birth certificates, etc.) records, the
name used would most likely be Rozalia. As far as Rulikovszky
is concerned, that's the biggest cemetery in Oradea, and it does
have Jews buried there. Hope this helps.
Leslie Weinberg - Great Neck, NY --
Matthew Roth wrote "Regarding the message
written by Leslie Weinberg, Oradeans were indeed in Stutthof,
because my mother (Anna), was there. She was deported from Oradea
with her mother and sister, but only she survived. I was born
in Oradea in 1948, and came to the US in 1965."
Matthew, did your mother, by any chance know anyone named Rojie,
or Rosa, with a daughter named Elvira?
My daughter-in-law's family survived the war also, and her mother
was born in Tyczyn in 1946. Three years later, the family left
for Israel.
Leslie Weinberg - Great Neck, NY --
I have posted earlier about my grandmother
and her family from Oradea. Through a researcher, I now have birth
records of nine of the eleven children of my great-grandparents.
The researcher confirmed my grandmother's maiden name, Hani November,
married to Adolph (Abraham) Reiz (Reisz, Reis), but says there
is no record of the marriage or of Hani's birth. He says he looked
at the synagogue records. Is there anywhere else those records
could be? I also need to find a marriage record for my grandmother's
sister Rojie, so I can fill out POTs for her and her two children,
Paula and Elvira. My grandmother is supposedly buried in Rulikovski
Cemetery. Can anyone tell me anything about this cemetery, since
I have never heard of it mentioned in relation to Oradea?
Eva Markovits - Nashville, Tennesee --
A cousin of yours named Guttman Pista din
Carei, contacted me now from Switzerland where he lives now, after
I posted my search for you. If you want to contact him, get in
touch with me. Agi
Lise Grossinger - Canada --
bonjour, good morning, de st jerome quebec
canada, a vous tous,all of you, GROSSINGER, de par le monde, worldwide,
lise grossinger
Mügendt,Wilhelm - Heusenstamm, Germany --
I am looking for Edith Petershell.Please
contact me on my E-mail:Wmgendt@aol.com.
Leah Max Weinberg - UK --
Karl-Heinz Sperling, I am the niece of Max
and Herbert Weinberg and I was excited to see you looking for
my family but also bewildered that you did not include Willy Wolfgang
Weinberg, their younger brother born on 11th July 1904.
I now am looking for my cousin Max Peronne, I think his name is,
who was the son of Max Weinberg and born illigimately in Marseilles,
before he was deported by the Nazi occupation there.
I had no idea my father's family came from Oberstein (today Idar-Oberstein-
Germany) - I always thought they came from Kassel.
Max Weinberg 31.05.1901, Herbert Weinberg 15.06.00, brothers;
now also Willy Wolfgang 11.07.1904 and also about their parents.
Israel Weinberg, Eugene Weinberg (Levy) Max and Herbert had sister
named Irma Weinberg and also Hedy, who was born after my father
in 1905 or 1906.
My father married my mother Jose Letitia Higgs and I was born
on 18.11.1953 and my brother Julius Rolf Weinberg was born on
My father died on 02.10.1972.
If anyone has any inforamation about Max Peronne please can you
contact me at leahmashton@aol.com
Thank you and peace and best wishes to you all
Eric Hitter to Agi Grossinger - BELGIUM --
This message is for Agi Grossinger. Was
glad to hear from you. Erica is my cousin from Nagyvarad, now
lives in Vienna, Austria. I see her now and then I go to visit
my daughter Marilyn who also lives in Vienna. Hoping to hear
from you.
Kindest Regards, Eric Hitter
Wilhelm Mügendtr - Heusenstamm, Germany --
This message is for Edith Petershell. Please
contacted me.Willy.
Matthew (Matyi) Roth - Staten Island, NY --
Regarding the message written by Leslie
Weinberg, Oradeans were indeed in Stutthof, because my mother
(Anna), was there. She was deported from Oradea with her mother
and sister, but only she survived. I was born in Oradea in 1948,
and came to the US in 1965.
Matthew (Matyi) Roth - Staten Island, NY --
Kedves Izsak Tibi!!
Ezt a par sort neked irom. En emlekszek rad, mi egy osztalyba
voltunk a Gojdu-ba. Legy szives irjal nekem. Matthew@si.rr.comAdolf
Grossinger - San Jose CA USA --
This message is for EVA MARKOVITS; a cousin
of yours Guttman Pista from Nagykaroly, now living in Switzerland
contacted me about you . Agi
Agi Grossinger - San Jose CA USA --
This message is for Eric Hitter. Was Hitter
Erika any relation to you? There were a lot of Hitter's in Oradea.
PS.I lived in City of Amsterdam for 6 month in 1962,before emigrated
to Detroit, USA
Elie Levy Lempert - Caracas, Venezuela --
Hi, my name is elie levy LEMPERT, my grandfather
was Samuel Lempert from Romania, and I want to know if we have
other family around the world
Aligal Richter - Israel --
I am looking for my father's identity. His
name was Sender Mentrel. He said that his father, Szlomo, died
in 1942 in Cluj. My father said that he was born on October 17,
1927 in Budapest. I checked it and did not find any record on
this name. I think that he was born in Cluj but think that he
changed his family name. His mother name was Rozalia. They were
Orthodox? Do you have any idea how can I find my father's identity
and my family roots?
my email: aligal@walla.co.il
Eric Hitter - Antwerp, Belgium --
Should anybody know anything about the Hitter
Family from Oradea please get in touch. Ehitter@skynet.be
Yours truly,
Eric Hitter
Schwartz Adam - Haifa Israe --
I want to find my relatives from my father's
side: Schwartz Andrei (Bandi) born in Oradea 1920 (son of Zoltan
and Hermina) and my mother Magda born Frank daughter of Fanny
and Adolf
Michoel Avrohom Gluck - London England --
My Grandfather lived in Nagy Szollos; he
was Pesach Gluck and I know his father was Ignatz. Could you help
me and tell me how to find any family remnants?
Leslie Weinberg - Great Neck, NY, US --
My grandmother, Adeline (nee Reiss) was
born in Nagyvarad in 1895 to Otto (Abraham?) Reiss and Hanni (nee
November). She came to the U.S. in 1913. I do not know whether
the name was always Reiss, or whether it was Reich at one time.
Her two sisters, Blanche and Helen, and one brother Jene, also
came to the U.S. She left behind her mother Hanni ( who died in
the 1930s), a brother Erno (or Erne) and a sister Rojie. Rojie
later married and had two children, Elvira and Paula. We do not
know what Rojie's married name was, or what the fate of the family
was. I have found, on Pages of Testimony at Yad Vashem, the names
of a Rojie Szegal (nee Reiss) and her daughter Elvira, although
the dates do not jibe, which came from a list of victims at Stuthoff.
The other daughter, Paula, is not mentioned. Is it possible that
people from Oradea went to Stuthoff? Is there any way to find
out whether Rojie's married name was Szegal?
Does anyone remember the Reiss family? My grandmother told me
that her father had been a Rabbi and that he died when she was
a young girl. I have been unable to locate any information on
the graves in Oradea for my great-grandparents, Otto and Hanni.
I am really trying to connect with my grandmother's past.
Georges Klein - Paris --
I am looking for the traces of the history
of my family. My grandfather had a leather company in Oradea Mare
and was deported to Birkinau Buchenwald. After his death we didn't
have any inforrmation about family roots in Oradea. If you have
some useful information about their former activity and location
in the city please contact me.
Georges Klein
C A Ullmann - Manchester, England --
Dear Sirs,
Firstly, may I express appreciation on establishing a website
to preserve the memory of the noble community of Oradea.
I am researching the Ullmann family of Oradea, and its various
branches, including Pollack, Loewenstein, Binder and Klein. If
any one has any info I would be very grateful to hear from them.
With Best wishes,
CA Ullman
Katz Peter - Israel Tel Aviv --
I search for my brother and sister who's
age in 1944 was about 13 and they were deported. My father's name
was Adalbert [Bumi].
I don't know their names for my late father never told me. If
you know about their fate please mail me or call 972 52 4459494. katzpmn@zahav.net.il
Karl-Heinz Sperling - Hamburg, Germany --
Dear Ladies and Gentleman,
I´m searching for Persons of the Family WEINBERG from Oberstein
(today Idar-Oberstein- Germany). If you have any informations
about Jews from OBERSTEIN, please write to me. Very interesting
would be information about:
Max Weinberg 31.05.1901, Herbert Weinberg 15.06.00, brothers;
and also about their parents. Israel Weinberg, Eugene Weinberg
Max and Herbert had sister named Irma Weinberg If somebody has information
about these people or any information about Jewish people from
the city of Oberstein, it would be a pleasure to talk to you.
God Bless you all -
Karl-Heinz Sperling
Tonia Judith Leon - Huntington, New York, USA --
My beloved maternal grandmother, Malka Baum,
came from Oradea to NYC in the 1880's. I am already 60, but as
time passes I have greater and greater desire to know about her
heritage and connect with her birth place.
I have a doctorate in Spanish and Latin American literature and
Civilization and currently work parttime training English as a
Second Language teachers as well as foreign language teachers
for New York University.
Is there someone from the Jewish Community of Oradea who would
like to correspond with me?
Best wishes and shalom,
Tonia J. Leon, Ph.D.
Radu Stern - St. Legier, Switzerland --
Dear Forum Readers,
I am looking for information about the Stern family of Oradea
and Beius. I am the son of Nicolae (Miklosz, Miszu) Stern, who
was the son of Martin Stern and Margit, née Schwimmer. After the
death of my grandfather Martin Stern, she married Aladar Herczed.
I know that a brother of Martin Stern called Joseph (?) emigrated
to Montevideo, Uruguay.
Radu Stern
Magda Varkas - Croatia --
I accidently read your message, I was surprised
to see my surname,s o I just wanted to say that you may have relatives
in Croatia. My dad`s family is from a small place called Zagvozd,
but we are not Jewish. The message is for Yoyce-Hana.
Komlosi - Antwerp, Belgium --
kedves tibi,
a mik csaladi nevünk komlosi; laktunk a Colonel buzoinau ucan
10 alat. a batjam neve miki szuletet 1947 es ö is a gojduba jart
iskolaba. egyut Fleischer Gyurivall, Tomi Schreier stb es volt
nekik egy music bank, Miki dobolt es harmonikazot; en szinten
1951 szuletem es a nevem mi kivandoroltunk Mi a csaladi neved?
az en apam neve volt sokan 0smertek. Kivancsi vagyok hogy ebresztetem
bened valami emlekeket sok udvozlet julika ha akarsz kapcsolatba
joni, az en emailem
Alain Pajor - Pars, France --
Does anyone here remember or can give me
information concerning the family of my father Ernö Pajor born
in Salonta in August 1906? His father was Zsigmong Pajor and
his mother Irma Stern. I know nothing about them. My father was
living in Oradea with his uncle. Coming back from the camp, he
did not find anybody after the war and went to live in France.
Leslie Weinberg - Great Neck, NY, US --
Trying to find some trace of my grandmother's
family. Rojie, nee Reiss (Reisz) born Nagyvarad, married name
unknown, and two daughters Paula and Elvira. Also searching for
information on Grandma's brother Erno Reiss.
Kedves Varadiak! Szivesen fel vesszem a
kapcsolatot mind azokal akik ismertek.1948 szulettem Margittan,1952
ota loktam Varadon a Portile de Feir Utcan (volt Uri Utca, Jozsef
Atila Utca, stb). A Gojdu-ba tanultam. 1970 ota elek Izraelben.
Oszintan sajnaltam hogy nem jott ossze a talalkozo amit sokan
kozulunk vartunk. Remelhetoleg sikerulni fog rovidesen letre hozni
a talalkozot. Az evek tel nek es sajnos rikkulnak a mi soraink
Udvozlok minden varadit a minnel hamarabi viszonlatasig........
Eric Friedman - Washington DC USA --
Does anyone here remember Emanuel Gutfried
and his wife Sara Blau? They lived in Oradea and attended the
smaller of the two Orthodox synagogues in town. They owned a liquor
distribution business, and had 2 daughters.
Their elder daughter Hani (b. 1905), married the physician Bernat
Stein and they had 2 sons Peter (b. 1932) & Andrew (b. 1939).
They all perished in Auschwitz, except for Bernat Stein, who emigrated
to Israel after the War.
Their younger daughter Leah/Ibolya (b.1908) was my paternal grandmother
- she was working in France when the War broke out and, with her
husband Lajos Friedman (my grandfather - from Nagykaroly), worked
in hiding with the resistance in Provence, helping to smuggle
Jewish children out of Nazi-occupied Europe. They stayed on in
France after the War and then emigrated to the US in 1947 with
my father Frank (who was born in France in 1941).
My paternal grandfather's (Lajos Friedman) parents Ignac Friedman
and Cecilia Spira lived in Galszecs and then in Nagykaroly, where
they had a warehouse & beer distribution business. They perished
at Auschwitz as well.
Does anyone here remember any of these people? I'd be grateful
for any information you might have.
Thanks so much,
Eric Friedman
Washington, DC
Mihalik - Budapest, Hungary --
I happened to find this website. If anybody
related to the Stern, Kurtag, Kallos or Weisz families of Nagyvarad,
Lugos, Arad or Bekescsaba, please send me email. My ancestor was
Rosalia Kurtag, lived in Bekescsaba and Lugos. Her relatives lived
in Oradea also, had a cafee.
Bela Vilmos Mihalik
Sharir (Schreier) - Toronto Canada --
Dear Mr. Lempert,
As I promised (although with some delay) here is the information
I could get from my father about the construction of the memorial
monument of the Oradea Deportees. The construction of the Monument
was initiated and finaced by the J.N.S. (Zsido Nemzeti Szovetseg)
who collected the funds from local and U.S.donations. Construction
started in the spring of 1947 and was completed by fall of 1947.
All the stones originated from a stone quarry near Cluj (Kolosvar)
and were transported to Oradea by train. The memorial stone (black
Italian granite) was purchased from a Jewish stonemason from Satu
The text on the black granite was engraved by another Jewish stonemason
by the name of Weiss Geza. As I mentioned before the architect
of the monument was Kallay Laszlo (a very decent gentile man whom
I personaly knew in my childhood) and the builder was my father
Schreier Geza. At the completion of work, my father was paid cash.
(There were no cheques available at the time.) Two days later
the currency was devaluated and he was left with 160.00 Lei. He
was so upset that he burned it all. So as you can read it was
not a very happy ending but the memorial is still there and let
us hope that it will be there for generations to come as a reminder
of the dark days in the history of a wonderful Jewish community.
Please do not hesitate to contact me for any additional information.
Warmest regards
Tommy Sharir (Schreier)
My home email: tsharir@sympatico.ca
Buss. email: boutiquedita@rogers.com
Do you know anything about the Hitter Family?
Quite a big family that lived in Oradea. We all were deported
to Auschwitz. I left for England in 1945 and now live in Belgium.
Have succeeded to build up a nice family with 3 children and 8
grandchildren. Am retired now.
Hoping to hear from you.
Kind regards,
E. Hitter
Rabbin Gutman - Strasbourg, France --
ma mčre vivant en israel ,née evelyn leimsieder,
fille du h'azan getzel leimsieder, déporté de Oradéa avec son
épouse et leurs enfants,cerche deux témoins ayant le souvenir
de son pčre.il avait aussi une petite fabrique de tricotterie.
If you want to know more about your Jewishness
and Jewish tradition you can go to Google Web site Judaism101
Hebrew Language. You can find what you want to know about traditions
and all the Jewish laws. You can contact me, verahecht@aol.com
I came to the USA in 1964 from Oradea.
Julika Komlosi - Antwerp, Belgium --
I was born in 1951 in Oradea. My parents'
names were Komlosi Gheorghe and Grosz Livia (born in Beznea).
My brother's name is Miki, born in 1947. We were living in Colonel
Buzoianustreet nr 10. In 1965 we emigrated to Antwerp, Belgium.
Does anyone remember us? Has anyone heard of my friend Dita Freund
who left Romania I think in 1963 and lives in Israel? Or anyone
else who went to school with us or lived in the same street where
many Jewish families lived? I really hope to hear from someone.
You can always reach me on email: danastranders@gmail.com
Eloszor udvozlom a Lempert es Mozes csaladot akik az uj emlek
mu megszervezese. Kedves Varadi baratok ha akarjatok felveni a
kapcsolatot acimem:fordia@013.net.il. En Israelbe vagyok 1964
ota es Rishon Le Zion str.Zalman Shazar 33 lakok. Udvozlok mind
a Varadiakat.
Furedi Alex (Nano)
Grunfeld Jean - Kibbutz Yagur Israel --
Je suis depuis longtemps a la recherche de ma Famille qui a vecu
a oradea. Mon grand-pere Aaron Grunfeld marie a Amalia Weiss ont
eu 5 enfants dont: Elisabth decedee dans les annees 30, Alexcendre
mort pour la patrie 1ere guerre, Ladislas venu en France en 47
decede, Emeric ne en1911 venu en France en 34-35, Irene mariee
a oradea en 38 mariee a Alexcendre ont eu une Fille Veronique
portes disparu en deportation mon pere venu en France dans les
annees 20 etait chirurgien decede en 49. Si vous pouvez avoir
des renseignements qui pourrait m'etre utile a mes recherches,
je vous en remercie d'avance. mon mail est : garin_jonathan@yahoo.fr
Dorothy Balkin Bernstein - Delray Beach, Florida, USA
-- 5/13/2005
My maternal grandfather, Ignatz Gluck, born
in ErMihfalfah and to the best of my knowledge was the only one
of his 8 other brothers or sisters who emigrated. I would be interested
in finding offspring of his brothers/sisters: Regina, Lina, Adolf,
Carl, Aron, Johanna, Ester and the last child, Henry, born after
the death of his father Henry. I will be at the Las Vegas Convention
hope to see you there.
Mircea Wolosen - Dallas, TX --
I was born in Valea lui MIhai on the border.
My grandfather's house was 200 meters from it. It is interesting
to see how some will blame the Romanians for what happened in
Valea, Oradea. Who sent the Jews to the gas chamber??
Looking to meet somebody from Ermihaifalva.
Sheldon Bronstein - France - Bucharest (RO) --
Well, it's true Romanians were the most antisemitic people in
Europe until the end of WW2, but in the meantime they radically
changed their minds. I don't understand, though, why Jews born
in Romania should feel any Romanian roots, since they were denied
anything from Romanian language to Romanian citizenship. Very
strange. It's my 3rd year in Bucharest, and I haven't suffered
from discrimination. It would be worse in a country with Jews,
such as France. Jews disappeared, but Israelis exist now, and
there is a large Israeli community in the capital. Hebrew is replacing
Yiddish with remaining pieces scattered around the country.
Good luck to all!
Ivan Szekely - Hungary --
My name is Ivan Szekely (Spitzer). To the
best of my knowledge my grandparents lived in Oradea at the beginning
the last century (about 1910). Their names were Hajnal Lajos,
and Gerber Irma. Should anybody have any information about this
family, please let me know.
Anamaria Bogdan - Oradea, Romania --
I'm very happy to view this page. I know
that in my heart I am a jewish too but I don't know how to prove
it. I love and I respect all the traditions and Jewish people.
I would be very glad to have someone to speak with about this.
lisa - Oradea, Romania --
Dear Mr. Lempert,
Maybe I'm the only non-Jewish person in here. I read about this
site, in a local newspaper, and I decided to open it and to write
some words. Congratulations, it is a very interesting web site.
It is very important for your community and for our city, too.
There are many citizens who don t know about the great contribution
the Jewish community had in the construction of the Oradea city.
I finished last year my studies and my work diploma theme was
about the Jewish people, from Bihor county. I was very surprised
how much they work for the developement of our city...at the economy,
culture, education etc.
It is very good to build a new memorial, and to build a museum,
too. The Jewish community from Oradea has many things to show.
It is important for our citizens to know more about Jewish people,
and their contribution.
There are people in Oradea who love you!
Best regards,
P.S. Please excuse me my English.
Gregory Komlosi - Antwerp, Belgium and Montreal, Canada
-- 3/21/2005
My father (Miki Komlosi) was born in Oradea
in 1947 and grew up there until 1965, the year he moved to Antwerp,
Does anybody remember him or sister Julianna (Julika), please
contact me: g_komlosi@yahoo.co.uk
Miriam Landa (Katz) - Springfield,NJ and West Palm Beach,Fl.
-- 2/27/2005
I was born in Oradea, deported from the
ghetto with my extended family; parents, aunts, uncles, cousins,
grandmother. My sister Magda and brother Laczi survived. We left
Oradea in 1964 with my husband Eugene Landa (born in Mihhalyfalva)
and my son Peter (5 years old at the time). In the USA we joined
Bnei Zion Oradea Chapter. My proposal for the memorial is that
it should be erected in Israel. My reason is that my generation
has too many painful memories from Oradea to be able to go back
there and we are getting on with age and traveling is not easy.
I understand the younger generation born after the WWII, they
must have different experiences. Anyway you decide, we would like
to help your forum.
Geroe - San Diego, CA --
This is in response to the posting of Joyce
- Hana, Maui, Hawai'i -- 2/8/2005
A good place to start your reseach would
be the Jewish Genealogy website at www.jewishgen.org - where you
could search through a comprehensive data base of names and places.
For starters, I believe you mean that
your mother and grandmother were born in "Szilagy megye", today
the county of Salaj in Romania - not far from Oradea. Your grandfather
was probably born in Nagyercse, a smaller town near Nagykanizsa,
Aloha and good luck in your family research!
Geroe - San Diego, CA --
This answer is to the posting by Leveque
Elisabeth - Marseille, France -- 1/28/2005
Il y a plusieurs noms Farkas Mihaly sur la liste des victimes
de la déportation d'Oradea. Un de ces noms est suivi de Farkas
Regina, née Lindenfeld. De męme, on y trouve deux Fenichel; l'un,
F. Salamon et l'autre, F. Rozsi, née Fried.
Il y avait deux frčres Fenichel qui habitaient
Oradea aprčs la guerre - ils ont émigré en Israel.
Nos sincčres condoléances pour votre
Luis Bekes - Acassuso,
Buenos Aires, Argentina --
I am looking for information about my aunt,
Reichman Sandorne, borned in Oradea in 1919 as Bekes Margit (Gita).
At the time of deportation she was living in Kagya, a little village
near Oradea. She was killed in 1945 in a concentration camp whose
name I don't know. I was born in Argentina in 1949, so I never
met her but I want to pay homage to her. Could anyone help me?
- Hana, Maui, Hawai'i --
My grandmother (and mother ) was born in
Silimeghu and my grandfather in Nagyercsy. Is that near Oradea?
In 1921 they left for America. My mother is still alive but does
not remember much and the rest of her immediate Hungarian-Jewish
family has passed. My grandmother's family name was Varkas, and
my grandfather's Sternberg (though my mother says it was a longer
name before coming to the U.S.A. Any info on the area would be
Joyce in Hana
Leveque Elisabeth - Marseille, France --
Je recherche des informations sur mes arričre-grands
parents farkas regina et mihaly et les famille fénichel de nagyvarad.ma
grand-mčre derničre enfant de le famille (qui en comptait 10 )
vient de mourir.
Sternberg - Buffalo, New York --
It's sad but necessary to be reminded of
the terrible history of Nagyvaradi Jews. I myself was born there
in 1953, but raised in Mihayfalva, until our emigration to the
US in 1963. My mother's family was the Katz family, led by my
grandfather Pesach. He and my grandmother perished in the Holocaust,
but my mother, her sister Manci (living in Florida and New Jersey)
and their brother Lacz survived. Many, many others were lost.
My father met my mother while she was recuperating after the war;
she had typhoid fever and gangrene, which led to the amputation
of her toes on one foot. Nonetheless, she and my father, Sandor,
tailor in MIyafalva, survived and prospered and raised my brother
and me in New York City. It's only now in my adulthood that I
can begin to appreciate their strength and courage. It is indeed
fine that a memorial is being established, though perhaps it would
be more proper to have our martyrs' memory be located in Israel,
where their legacy should strengthen the land and teach the generations.
Merker - Budapest, Hungary --
My mother, Vera Lempert was born in Moisei
(Mojszin) and most of her family came from Poeni de sub Munte
(Havasmezo) or Sighet (fam. Markovits and Fuchs). Am I relative
of the Lemperts of Nagyvarad or not. MV.
Caba - Oradea, Romania --
Dear Erwin, my parents were born in Beznea,
I also find the list with your family deported to Auschwitz (
http://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/oradea/oradea389.html ). Maybe
my grandparents know something about your family. I suppose that
because my grandfather told me a few years ago that he has a lot
of Jewish friends. I don't know whether I can help you with something
or not, I do not have any documents about deported Jews, but if
you think that I can help you in some way, feel free to email
me at: older_ovello@yahoo.com. Good luck and Happy new year!
Vera Hecht - Brooklyn,
NY 11220 -- 12/19/200
This message is for Alex Borla from Camarello,
CA. Please call your friend Landa Jeno 561-478-0968. They would
like to talk to you. I am also from Ermihalfalva. I remember
you and your parents.
Best regards,
Hecht (Salomon)
Vera - Brooklyn, NY 11220 --
I was born in Valea Lui Mihai emigrated
to the USA in 1964. Nice to see a web site like this. Keep up
the good work.
Susan Geroe - San Diego,
CA, USA -- 12/6/2004
You could contact the Jewish Community in
Oradea, (Comunitatea Evreiasca, Str. Mihai Viteazul Nr.4, 3700 Oradea,
Romania) and ask if they have the records or any other suggestions
they could give you for your research.
Good luck,
Susan Geroe
Judit (Jutka)
Hrsch (born Hercz) - Eidsvoll, Norway --
I was born in Oradea 1951, and lived in
Teleki (Visjinskij) street. In my class there were several Jewish
pupils, Rosenfeld Jutka; my friend's name was Pollack (don`t remeber
the first name) Peter Friedman, he and his brother and parents
emigrated to Israel n 1965, at the same time as we emigrated to
Norway. My uncle, the brother of my father, came to Norway as
a refugee after the concentration camp. I came to Norway with
my parents, John (Jancsi) and Lilly Hercz.
I was back in Oradea only once, in 1986. I didn't meet any of
my Jewish class mates, only some of the Hungarian and Romanian
friends. My relatives on my mother side, the Seidman family, are
in Israel.
I am very interested in the project to inform the youth in Oradea
today about the Jewish life in the city in older times. I spoke
with my aunt in Israel and we both would like to come to Oradea
in May 2005 to the meeting.
Best regards
Eidsvoll, Norway
e-mail: l-hi@online.no
Eva Markovts -Nashville,Ten.
-- 11/21/2004
Eva, by any chance, did you live in your early
childhood in Carei, Nagykaroly, and were you related to the Guttman
family? Also, I knew Blum Zsuzsi, did she survived the war? Agi
Grossinger, San Jose, Ca
Marshak - Morton Grove, IL 60053 USA --
My parents were born in Oradea. I would like
to know if anyone knew my relatives. My mother was born as Sidonie
Bleich in 1903; her father was Maurice Bleich. Does any one know
them? I am the only survivor on that side.
My father was Laci Rosenbaum, born 1899. I would like to know if
any one knew the Gertner family who were related to my father. Clara,
Serena, Eva. The son of Clara was little Laci; I do not know the
year he was born. Thank you for your help.
Ezra Perlmuter
- Skokie, IL -- 11/9/2004
I am trying to help somebody find out information
regarding their grandmother. The Grandmother's name is ANNA REVESZ
and she was from NAGYVARAD. You can email label51@hotmail.com if
you have any information.
Tommy Sharir
(Schreier) - Toronto, Canada --
Mr. Lempert
I found out about this wonderful project today by coincidence and
will support it. My name is Tommy Sharir born (Schreier) in Oradea
(1947), immigeated to Israel in 1964, then to Toronto, Canada, in
1975. Regarding the monument for Oradea's deportees, I would like
to add that this monument was designed by an architect from Oradea,
Kallay Laszlo, and it was built by my father Schreier Geza. (He
is well and lives in Toronto.) I would love to hear from anybody
that remembers me.
Tommy S.
tsharir@sympatico.ca or boutiquedita@bellnet.ca
Katz - Brooklyn, NY, USA --
I was born there in Nagyvarad but lived in Ermihalyfalva until the
age of 11 when we immigrated here to USA. Nice to see a site like
Reich - Brooklyn, NY, USA --
am happy to find this website. My family was deported from Oradea
to Auschwitz in May 1944. The more I read, the more I become incensed
about how antisemitic both the Hungarians and Romanians were. I
don't believe we should spend a penny in Romania. You want a memorial
for the Jews of Oradea? Make it here in this great country of USA
not in the graveyard of Romania. Thank you.
Farkas di Pietro - Montreal, Canada --
Dear Norbert,
I would like to thank you and your committee for all the wonderful
work you are doing to preserve the memory of the Oradea Jewish Community
and also to congratulate you on your achievements to date. It warms
my heart to think that there exists such a memorial. When I received
your e-mail today, many thoughts occurred to me, amongst them a
concern about how our children and our children's children should
be able to get involved in preserving the memory. The Jewish community
in Nagyvarad is getting smaller and smaller, and some continuity
could be ensured only if our children could somehow also participate
in all this. Unfortunately, I do not have any concrete ideas, but
I strongly feel that in order to have some continuity, our children
should be involved as well. Perhaps a reunion where documentaries,
speakers could be presented, so that our children could have some
kind of direct connection. I don't know how you feel about this,
whether you or Susan, Anna or Bernadette would have some ideas.
I just wanted to share my thoughts and see how everyone reacts to
the idea.
Once again so many thanks for your wonderful work to honour and
preserve the memory of our Beloved.
Jutka Farkas di Pietro
Erika Pollak (Busuioc)
- Tel Aviv, Israel -- 10/9/2004
As a native of Oradea
I am so moved to find these kind of people really concerned about
the past and future of the Jewish community living there. As a history
student I can only say "Kol Hakavod!!!!"
Morty - Hadera,
Israel -- 8/28/2004
Nice work! I enjoyed
the site greatly.
Katz Nachum -
Hadera, Israel -- 8/28/2004
How can I possibly find
the people who were burried in Venence cemetery around 1917?
Best regards, Erwin A. Reich
Erwin A. Reich
-Stamford, CT, 06906 --
I was very pleased to
find out that a foundation dedicated to Oradea is located in my
hometown of Stamford, CT. My e-mail is reichea@optonline.net. I
would be pleased to volunteer my time and efforts to contribute
in any way I can to this wonderful foundation. I was born in 1948
in the small town of Bratca, half way betweem Oradea and Cluj (Koloszvar),
lived in Cluj from 1954-1961 and emigrated to the USA in 1962.
My father, Josif (Joszef) Reich was born in Beznea (a small village
near Bratca), and his family and extended family came from nearby
villages and towns of Bratca, Beznea, and Feketepatak.
My father z"l, who passed away 1971 was in forced labor camp in
Hungary and barely survived the war, after liberation from Mathausen
(Grusskirchen) in Austria. His first wife and entire family except
2 nieces perished in Auschwitz. My mother, Esther Reich was born
in Cluj, only she and 1 brother from an extended family survived
from Auschwitz , and lives in Brooklyn, NY.
The connection to Oradea is the fact that in 1944 all the Jews from
the Oradea region in Bihor county were taken to the Oradea ghetto
and then deported to Auschwitz. I found my father's family members
on a list of Jews deported from the Oradea (Nagyvarod) ghetto. I
learned however from this website, that there were 2 ghettos set
up in Oradea, the main one which had 27,000 people and the second
one which had 8,000 people set up for the Jews from the provinces.
If anyone out there can refer me to documents, books, or anything
written, or contacts of people who may have known about the Reich
family from Beznea, I would appreciate being contacted by e-mail
at reichea@optonline.
I have now added this website to my favortes list and will periodically
check to see how I can contibute to your efforts. Keep up the good
Best regards, Erwin A. Reich
Tomi Kovari --
Jerusalem, Israel --
a young Jewish boy,
born and raised in Oradea, and as a "local patriot," it makes me
very glad to see how many people care about our Jewish community
and its memories.
I made aliyah in 2002 with big plans regarding my ideals and my
life, right after graduating the "Emanuil Gojdu" high school, dreaming
that someday I'll be a doctor, like my parents -- but here in Israel.
A short time before I made aliyah, I met Mr. Lempert in Oradea and
I was surprised that people from so far away, want to help to preserve
the memory of our beloved brothers and sisters who died in WWII,
and want to show to the people of Oradea and to the rest of us also,
what the Jewish community was some time ago. The ideas, the dreams,
the projects are beautiful and needed. I wish we all could help
in as many ways as possible to make these projects happen, so that
we'll be able to show our kids and families in the future, what
was, where was and "who" was Grosswardein.
There is always the danger that someday the "gates will close" in
the community and all that will remain from the Jewish memory of
this city will be the lonely buildings. I really don't want this
to happen... I hope people will not forget these memories ever.
Tomi Kovari
Yisroel Green
-- Fort Lauderdale , Florida , U.S.A. --
I recently found out
about this web site and as a former native of Oradea was glad that
the Lempert Family Foundation has undertaken this project. Do you
plan to do something this summer to commemorate the 60th anniversary
of the Ghetto and the deportation of the Jewish community? Since
I was part of this as a teenager, I would be interested in making
the trip. Please be so kind to E-mail back to me your plans. Best
wishes, I will keep watching your Web Site and thank you for starting
this project. Y.Green
Tiberiu Weisz
-- NY, NY, USA --
I was born in 1949 in
Oradea and left with my parents, Solomon and Ibi, in 1964. I live
in NY with my wife, Agi Gross who is also from Oradea and left in
1965. Both of us went to Gojdu.
I think my father and your father, Robert, were co-workers.
We would like to participate in this project. and hear from anyone
else from the area.
We will be in Israel next month (February 2004).
We know about the reunion in 2005 and we will try to attend.
I was one of the first
ones to leave Oradea with my parents in April 1960 and we came to
Brazil where my father had already two brothers.
I had a very happy childhood in Oradea and had many friends. As
many of us did I also went to "MACA NENI'S" dance classes. I live
in Săo Paulo, am married, have 3 sons and 2 daughters in law and
have returned several times with my husband and sons to Oradea and
still have relatives there. In 2000 I went to Israel for the meeting
which was very emotional and I think that this new project will
be fantastic. Thanks to the friends who send me news about Oradea
and the Oradeans.
Mariana Cohn
Eva Markovits
-- Nashville,Tenn. USA --
Dear Mr. Lempert,
Could you tell me more about your project since I spoke to you last
December. Please do not hesitate to call. I have found some Oradeans
who know me but I did not know them at the time.
Eva Markovits
Father, Bela Markovits, ran the dry goods store on Main street.
His father ran the Mill. I went to the Notre Dame Sisters Lycee
and was friends with Eva Heiman, Susan Bloom and Agatha Lautman
and others who went to the Japort Cukrasda.
Thank you very much.
Gabor Weiner --
Los Angeles CA, USA --
It was a joy to receive
a letter from the Lempert Family Foundation addressed to my Mother
Catherine Weiner. My Family and I left Nagyvarad for Los Angeles
in 1964. I was 10 years old. I was born in Salonta and shortly thereafter
we moved to the city of Nagyvarad. My mother is reaching the end
of her life and my Father Emerick (Imre)died over 3 years ago. I
visited my old home last year and the reunion would be a great idea.
Please let me know how I might help. I am glad I received the greetings
from the Lempert Family Foundation and to find a group of people
from my past life. Gabor Weiner. GaryOW@msn.com
Evelyn Markovits
-- Nashville TN --
DRAGAM Oh It has been so many years since I have talked about you
and our friendship to my family and I wish you would to call me
(615) 646-3242 immediately because I can call you right back and
talk to you. I hope you are in good health -- I will tell you everything
when I hear from you. You have my address. I live in a big house
in Tennessee -- please write as soon as possble.
Lia Chesner (ne
Stern) -- Ohio, USA --
I am originally from
Szilagy Somlo, Simleu Silvaie in Romanian. Those of you from the
"neighborhood" will know where that is. I am looking to establish
contact with others from that lovely city.
I can be reached at Liachka_2002@yahoo.com
And to the Lempert Foundation, keep up the good work of your project!
Matthew (Matyi)
Roth -- Staten Island, (NY), USA --
I am also a child of
Oradea, born there in 1948, and lived there until 1965. My memories
of growing up are very happy, lots of friends, and I'm also grateful
for the wonderful education I received in Oradea (10 years in Gojdu),
that truly gave me a good foundation for later on in life. A couple
of months ago I spent some time again in Oradea at a friend's house,
someone I hadn't seen in 38 years; and, after that, I was also reunited
with some dear old friends in Israel. Needless to say, it was very
emotional. I had been back there once with my wife and daughter
during the Ceausescu years, just to show them where I was born.
This time I looked at the once gorgeous city, and was overwhelmed
by a host of mixed feelings. I suddenly was hit by how profoundly
we, our generation, was also impacted by the Holocaust. Growing
up as a Jew it was "normal" that we didn't have older siblings.
It was "normal" that none of us had grandparents. Our parents couldn't
really say that all these people were murdered. That would have
been too painful. The euphemism they used was that they were deported
(el voltak deportalva). We, as children, that's all we knew. Now
I realize the extent of the calamity that took place, and I'm very
grateful to the Lempert Family Foundation, for the work being done
to memorialize the victims. We owe the victims. The way to pay this
debt is to live happy, fulfilled lives. To show that their deaths
were not in vain, that we will never forget. We do need to educate
the present day Oradeans, to have them look at the beautiful architecture,
at the history of the city, and to understand and appreciate the
immense contribution that was made by its Jewish citizens. I'm very
proud to say that you could make the argument that economically,
artistically, culturally, Oradea was very much a Jewish city. We
should all(Christian, Roma, Jew) learn from history, and that'll
benefit everybody. Let's all be in touch, and look forward to a
great party, May, 2005. Warm regards, and happy new year to you
all, Matyi.
P.S. Special thanks to Peter(Reuven) Weisz for telling me about
the Foundation's work.
P.P.S. I noticed the name Peter Stern, among the Oradeans contributing
to the Foundations work. Is his father Stern Gyuri bacsi? If so,
and if he remembers me, please get in touch.
Matthew Roth
595 Johnston Terrace
Staten Island, NY 10309
Bandi Goldman
-- 12/13/2003
I received today through
my son-in-law your interesting letter and because I don't know whom
to respond, I do so to everyone.
I've been to Oradea this past May with my wife Hedi, daughter Anna,
and my son-in-law and we saw among other things the monument in
the courtyard of the Orthodox synagogue and the former Jewish school
in its neglected state. We were also in the Cion Temple and saw
its deplorable state, hardly standing. We visited the Mozes family
and were really impressed by how extraordinary they are and the
literary activities they undertake to this day. Our visit lasted
only for a day and a half, but the memories really stirred me up.
Way back, we used to live on Lakatos Street, from where you can
now see the new Continental Hotel.
I will gladly participate in the projects, according to my modest
means and am looking forward to your further emails - in Hungarian,
Spanish, Romanian, or English. Now I wrote in Hungarian because
it goes faster.
Thank you for the good wishes, I reciprocate them with love.......
Original Hungarian: Ma kaptam meg az alanti erdekes levelet a vom
jovoltabol es mert nem tudom kinek valaszoljak: mindenkinek kuldom
akinek a cime szerepel. Ezev majusaban ott voltunk Varadon : felesegam
Hedi, a lanyom Anna, a vom es jomagam(valaha Goldman Bandi voltam)
es modunkba volt latni tobbek kozott a monumentumot az othodox tempom
es volt zsido gimnazium udvaran es az elhanyagolt allapotot amibe
van. Termeszetesen voltunk a Cion templomba is es lattuk mennyire
rosz allapotba van, eppen, hogy meg all... Akiket kulon meglatogattunk
a Mozesek es igazan meg voltunk kellemesen lepve milyen kulonleges
emberek es milyen irodalmi tevekenyseget fejtenek ki a mai napig..
Sokat nem voltunk ott, osszesen masfel napig de mondhatom nagyon
felkavartak az emlekek...Valaha a Lakatos uccan laktunk az uj Continental
szalloda odalatszik.
Szivesen fogok resztvenni
a tervekben - szereny lehetosegimhez kepest - es orommel fogom
olvasni tovabbi e-maileteket magyarul, spanyolul, romanul ,vagy
angolul - egyelore magyarul irtam, mert ez hamarabb megy.
Koszonve a jokivansagaitokat szeretettel viszonzom: Shana Tova,
La multi ani, BUEK, egeszsegben es BEKEben.
Szeretettel udvozol
Peter Biro --
Zurich, Switzerland --
I was born in Oradea
in 1956 and lived there until 1970. I emigrated with my parents
to Germany in 1970, just as many others who have posted their messages
here. At many occasions I have visited our hometown during the past
three decades and I could see how the traces of its glorious Jewish
past have slowly vanished. Not only in physical terms but even more
in the minds of the people. Today's inhabitants don't have even
a glimpse of an idea about what a vibrant and brilliant intellectual
life there was before the Holocaust. As in many parts of Europe,
the lack of a relevant Jewish component in economic and cultural
life leads to boring mediocrity. That's what Oradea is looking like
more and more. There is absolutely no chance to reestablish even
a fraction of what was there the past, but one can remind the people
about what they have lost. I'm afraid this is the only thing that
can be done. Maybe the 2005 spring meeting will be such a reminder
as well. I hope it will come true. Good luck and thanks for the
efforts. Peter: pbiro@freesurf.ch
Agi Grossinger
-- San Jose, Ca, USA --
I am searching for Eva
Markovits from Oradea. If anybody knows about her whereabouts, please
let me know. My E-mail is agigro@webtv.net
Alex Borla --
Camarillo, Ca, USA --
I was born in Mihalyfalva,
my parents and grandparents were deported from the Ghetto in Oradea.
I have spent many memorable times in Oradea as a child and I am
grateful for your efforts to preserve what was so great and is so
dear. I return to Oradea and Mihalyfalva every year and would like
to know you.
Moshe Shavit --
Israel -- 12/9/2003
I am a relative of the Weinberger family who had a fish-factory
in Oradea before the war. Most of the family perished in the Holocaust.
Of the three who survived, Lani lives in Europe (most of her children
and grandchildren live in Israel), Jacob and Dudi in Israel. Jacob's
children and grandchildren live in Israel, Dudi's ones are scattered
around the globe.
AFAIK none of them is connected to the 'net.
I can be reached by private email at sabamoshe@hotmail.com
Moshe Shavit
Robert G. Csillag
-- Newton Centre, MA, USA --
I left Nagyvarad in
1961 at the age of 13 along with my mother and father. During the
past 42 years I have had very little contact with members of our
community but the present projetct caught my attention and I think
that it will be a monumental success. Our Community should not be
forgotten and the present population, both Jewish and Gentile, has
to be educated about the contributions that our community made over
the years. We emigrated from Romania because we had to in order
to improve our future; most of our families would have stayed had
circumstances been different. Please keep us informed of all future
A. Tom Grunfeld
-- NY, NY, USA --
I am delighted to find
this sight.
I was born at the Jewish Hospital in Oradea in November 1946 although
I lived in Ermihalyfalva and Temesvar before my mother and I left
for Israel in 1950.
It was also from the Oradea ghetto that my father's family was shipped
to the death camps; only he came back alive.
I have been back there several times, including a visit to the hospital
with my mother in January 2002. I am currently working with my lantsman
from Ermihalyfalva to preserve the Jewish cemetery there as well
as renovating the last remaining synagogue. In a way, these will
be our memorials to our forefathers.
I will be returning to Translyvania soon - and many times more I
hope - and would like to help your projects in any way I can.
You are doing important work and I congratulate you for it.
Jayne --
Kew Gardens Hills, NY, USA --
My grandfather was born
in Nagyvarad in 1868. His last name was originally Friedmann but
later changed to Tolnai. He was the owner/publisher of Tolnai Vilaglapja
and many other books, lexicons, magazines etc. He was one of 7 children,
all sisters, all of whom survived into adulthood. Have found family
members living in the US but not sure what happened to those not
Suzy Peltz Farkas
-- Milwaukee, WI, USA --
I am looking for any
connections of my mother's family from Oradea.
Rozie Abraham - born 1921 - in Oradea
Father: Bernard Abraham
Mother: Esther Abraham
Louis Guttman,
(Lajcsi) -- Staten Island, NY, USA --
I have just recently
become aware of your initiatives, and the cause is absolutely superb.
Oradea was my home town between 1954-1966 and both of my parents
were among the fortunate 10% of survivors to return from the camps.
In 1966 they made the journey to NY and began a new life, starting
over at an age when most people are already planning their retirement.
This unselfish and altruistic action brought a new life with opportunities
to their 12 year old son, who is now a successful business man in
NY. I am so very proud of what my parents went through to make this
sacrifice. They did what many thousands of Jewish families did during
the early 60's.
What a strong family and vibrant community we once were in Oradea!
Now we are spread across the entire globe with successful and proud
individuals who will never forget their roots and hopefully will
let the world know the real truth of history. We, "Transylvanians"
have endured a great deal and made the most of what we had, which
was not more than love for life and love for our families. With
this, I will restate my strong commitment and I applaud the cause
-- it should be even further expanded to the rest of the community
and the world. If I can offer any assistance, to support these initiatives,
I am available and please feel free to contact me.
I'm proud, I'm happy and will always remember!!!
Norbert Lempert
-- Stamford, CT, USA --
I think it would be
absolutely wonderful to unveil the new memorial on such a significant
occasion as the reunion of 2005.
Our goal is to launch a design contest in February, '04. Then pick
a winning design by September. We've learned (over the last 3 years)
that things happen slowly.
The more people support these efforts, the more likely it is that
we can make it happen. Please let us hear from you!
Katy Sonnenstein
-- Montreal, Canada --
[from an email to Anna
Dear Anna,
Some of us here in Montreal and in the US were dreaming about an
eventual get-together in Oradea in the spring of 2005.
There would be some people able and willing to organize it, so that
we may have one big party... and go down memory lane with groups
or the whole gang of friends from then.
Of course it will take a lot of planning but first will spread the
word and see who is able and willing to plan for it. We all think
it is quite far and things can happen but it is good to look forward
to such a special event.
You told me about your friend Norbert, that he is organizing to
have a memorial in the Redayi park, how amazing it would be, if
for its unveiling we could all be there ?! All this may just be
a dream , but thought I'll write to you about it. Let me know what
you think or what Norbert thinks ?!
Susan Simonovits
Geroe -- San Diego, CA, USA --
of my birth...
Regardless of how I refer to it, this historic city continues to
hold a special spot in my heart. I would like to contribute to the
shaping of its future, by helping to preserve its past, including
the splendid Jewish heritage of days gone by. A combination of that
heritage and the excellent schooling I received in Oradea provided
me with a strong foundation upon which I was able to build my life.
Norbert Lempert
-- Stamford, CT, USA --
This Forum is a kind
of meeting place for all of us with an interest in Oradea / Nagyvarad
/ Grosswardein. It's here to make it easy for you to post news,
suggestions, comments, questions, or whatever message you'd like,
to share with everyone.
Our grass roots movement aims to help preserve the heritage of the
Jewish Community of the city. We want to do this in a way which
honors and helps the small community there today. We want to involve
people of all backgrounds and ages, to help build a better future
by learning and teaching about the past.
Please share your ideas with the rest of us.